Thursday, February 3, 2011

Necessity, The mother of invention

This is so true!!!  I've called our local bank off and on today to get the temperature outside and through out the day the temps have varried.  We started at 8 degrees this morning with snow on the ground and now we're at 19 with a little more snow than earlier.  Now I know that some of you are use to cold weather, but here where I live this is a very Abnormal thing.  We've actually had 70 and even 80 degree weather this winter.  So needless to say we don't have a lot of cold weather clothing and we also don't have very many stores here in town that sale that type of clothing either.  Sooooo.........  I took 2 shirts, 1 that was a long sleeve shirt that was too small and a plain white t-shirt that had a stain on it, combined the 2 of them together and came up with this

I took the sleeves and the dinosaur off of the long sleeved shirt and added them both to the plain white t-shirt.  I sewed the long sleeves under the short sleeves on the white shirt.  I cut out the dinosaur and used heat bond to attach him to the shirt.  I actually stitched around the dino with my sewing machine just for extra stability (I tried it on him before I was completely done with it).  The word dino is freezer paper stenciled on a piece of the long sleeved shirt with white paint and heat bonded onto the shirt as well.  I used the Dino patch to cover up a stain that was on the shirt.  He really likes it and I had to pry it off of him so that I could finish stitching it up.  This was really simple and quick to make.

The best part about it is I didn't have to throw away either one of the shirts I was able to upcycle them both!!!

Oh and yes I know the pants don't match the shirt, but there was not getting him out of his car pajama pants today and it was too cold to go anywhere so I just left him alone.  Isn't he cute though and I think the shirt is almost equally as cute.  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!

I will be linking to these parties........



  1. YAY, Allison! You did an awesome job and now I've found your super cutie blog! :) I adore this dino T! What a great idea to combine two together! :) I've been perusing your blog, and I'm going to send you an email in just a bit. :)

    Stay warm, fellow Texan who is not used to the cold! LOL! :)

  2. That is such a cute idea for kids, as well as adults! I know i have some shirts that I would love to have long sleeves on. Great job!! :)this is leecytx from swap-bot!

  3. Your little guy is adorable and I bet he loves that "Dino" shirt!! Great job. I am your newest follower.

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Hi
    I am a new follower from the blog hop
    I blog at
    I hope you stop by and visit.

  5. what an awesome idea with the two shirts! Definitely something to remember. hello, I'm a swap partner from swap-bot. Well I wish you happy crafting, bye-bye monart


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