Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sewing a new wardrobe

Good afternoon Everyone!!

It has been quite a while since I did a Thrifty Thursday post, and even though it is Sunday instead of Thursday I wanted to share it anyway!  I have been going thrifting on Thursday's , it's just been so hard to remember to take photos of my finds so that I could share them with yall. 

I have been wanting to update my wardrobe here lately, seeing as how all I usually wear is tank tops and shorts and the occasional T-shirt and jeans.  I just can't justify spending very much money on clothes when school is about to start and my boys need things more than I do.  So I have been scouring the thrift stores for a while now looking for things that catch my eye and these are 2 of them that I turned into skirts.

Once again forgot to take photos, but the before was a horrible 80's style jumper with huge shoulder pads and it actually came down to my ankles!  I removed the skirt from the top part cut it down to make it the right length and kept the pockets.  (I love pockets!)  I kept the top part for another outfit.  Everything in this photo including the belt and Tank top came from the thrift store.  All together the whole out fit was $3.00!  You cannot beat that, I don't know of anywhere I could buy a complete outfit for that amount!!

This was a shirt that was way WAY too tight across my chest and under my arms, but I loved the fabric and the fact that it was a button up top with lace around the edges.  SO what was I to do?  Turn it into a skirt of course!!  So what do yall think about the new additions to my new and growing wardrobe?  Well until next time..................

Happy Crafting!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back from Vacation

We had a wonderful time, so I thought I would sum it up for you with a few photos.

Such a beautiful view!

Perfect place for brother's to bond!

Sailboats in the bay

Grandma standing by keeping an eye out!

We had such a great mini vacation and none of us were ready to come home, but back to real life with school starting on Monday and many things to clean, sew and prepare for up and coming holidays!!
So until next time................  Happy Crafting!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's been a year!!!

That's right, you read that right today is my 1 year blogaversary!!!  A lot has changed in my life in one year!  Several great AMAZING things and a few very sad and hard to cope with things too!  The only 2 things that have been a constant has been my wonderful family and this blog.

Thank you to all of you that have stuck it out with me from the beginning or have found me somewhere in the middle! 

I have a few things planned, but they are on hold until we get back from our vacation on the 17th so check back soon so that you don't miss it!!  But until then..................

Happy Crafting!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ready for school to start?

My oldest son will be starting Kindergarten this year, but this will actually be his third year of school.  He attended an early education course through our local school system when he was 3 because of a condition know as PHPV that he was born with in his right eye which qualified him for the program.  Well my youngest son who is 3 now, won't be able to attend that class because he doesn't need the help that my oldest son needed.  So I have decided to start having our own little class here at home and while I was doing some research I found several great websites with free educational printable's for children his age and I thought I would share them with all of you in case you are doing something similar with your kids this year.  Oh and these sites have things for older children too!!  I really hope that this helps all of you, I know that it has helped me immensely.

I added the photo above just so you could get an idea of something I have found and also because what is a post without a photo, right?  The source for that particular printable is in the photo under the line.

 These are some of my favorite sites, I hope yall enjoy and they help you with your little ones!!

These are a few of the sites I have found, if you are interested in the other few I have but did not list here please e-mail me and I will get those links to you!  Good luck with the upcoming school year!!

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