Monday, February 28, 2011

Vintage Sheet Rag Quilt (quilt #3)

Good morning everyone!!

Well so far this has started out to be a much better Monday than last week!!  Everyone seems to be pretty much back to normal.  My oldest has a little cough, but no fever and no vomiting, so I can handle that!!  .

We had a very uneventful weekend here other than the horrible wind that blew through (yes pun intended).  I did however get to go to a few garage sales and I found a few really great things, I will share those with you later this week when I get a chance to take some photos.  I will say this though, a few of the things I found I have been looking for FOREVER!!!

Now onto what I wanted to share today, I am so excited about this I was afraid to post it because it is actually going to be a gift for someone's birthday, but she won't see this until after she has recieved it so I think I'm safe.  There are a few other things that will be included in the package with the quilt, but I will post those when I show you what I found at the garage sale.

I am very disapointed with how the photos came out, my honey was holding the quilt while I was taking the photos and our 2 year old was behind him pushing on his legs.  I think he moved everytime I tried to take another photo.  So please bare with me.  I used 5 different sheets for the front and I used 1 sheet for the back.  I tried to match all of the colors that were on the back to the colors on the front.  This is a very light weight quilt so that it can be used in the spring and summer months.  I love the spring colors and all of the flowers this was alot of fun to make, the bright colors and happy prints helped get me out of my winter blues.

The photo on the right is a close up of the material that the quilt is backed with.  When everyone was sick this is what I was working on.  I started it about 2 weeks ago and finished the quilting part before everyone started showing symptoms of having a stomache bug.  I did most of my cutting on the edges last week.  So... what do yall think?  How was you're weekend?  Until next time.....................

Happy Crafting!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quick Update.

Good Afternoon!!

I wish I had a cheery post to share with yall, but this has been such a horrible week!!!  Monday night my honey started throwing up and my 4 year old was still running a fever, so my honey stayed home sick Tuesday and Yesterday.  Today my honey is back at work and my 4 year old was going to be going back to school, but as soon as my honey was getting out of the car to drop him off he threw up all over his car seat..........  So here I sit with him finally asleep after 4 different trips back and forth with the puke bucket and quite a bit of lysol floating around in the air.

My 2 year old on the other hand is running around like his king of the house and has no cares in the world. 

How much bleach is too much bleach?  In the past 2 weeks I have gone through 2 HUGE bottles of bleach and am now starting on my third and.................. ok now just emptied my second bottle of lysol!!  Oh I love being a mommy, but I wish these days could be skipped completly!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, Lovely Monday!!

Hello everyone!!!

This is a short post today because we had a very late night lastnight (4:00 a.m to be exact) due to a very high fever and a trip to the E.R. so I don't have much to share.  I did however want to say WELCOME and stay awhile to all of my new followers and to everyone that continues to come back!!  It really does mean alot to me that you are here!!!  I hope you enjoy everything you see here and feel free to stop by and chat anytime!!!

I hope the stomache bug stays away from your house!!!  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hooded Towel Tutorial

Good Morning everyone!!  I hope yall are enjoying your cups of coffee or juice or just enjoying waking up to a new beautiful day!!!

Ok, Here it is!!  Finally, were yall giving up on me?  Sorry yall had to wait so long.

Let's get on with it shall we??

1 Bath towel, 1 hand towel, Scissors or rotary cutter and cutting mat, pins and sewing machine


Step 1: Lay out your hand towel and cut it right down the middle

Step 2:  Lay out bath towel right side down.  Lay hand towel with finished edge slightly overlaping the edge of your bath towel and pin the 2 towels together (the raw edge that we just cut in step one should be at the top).  The pictures show it better than I can explain it.

Step 3:  Now we're going to fold the towel in half with right sides together.  Make sure the edges of your hand towel are matched together and then pin the top edges together.  Again picture explain better.

I am so glad it's clean under my couch.
 Step 4: Now we're off to the sewing machine.  We're going to sew along where we have pined.
Now remove your pins and put it on your model. 

Bet you didn't think it was going to be that easy did you?  Well now I'm off to make 2 more.  I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope I explained everything well enough.  If not please as me any questions and I will do my best to clear it up.  If you make one I would love to see it.  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!!

Check out my parties tab to see where I'm linking this to.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Happy Thursday Yall!!!

I am so excited about tomorrow's post because the Hooded Towel Tutorial is all ready to be posted!!!  Aren't you excited???  I almost scratched my Thrifty Thursday post so I could post the Tutorial today, but I wanted to share some of the great stuff I found today so I'm making yall wait til tomorrow (it will be worth the wait I promise).  So onto my great finds then........

(oh and I only spent $10)
I love that plate, the flowers remind me of spring.  These 2 and some glue are going to become this...............................

See won't that be a perfect cake or cookie plate.  I like how the brown on the edge of the plate look great with the wooden candle stick and what makes it even better is it will have only cost me $1.50

You can never have too much milk glass!!!  See the stamp on the bottom........ Loving it!!!

Ok, you got me, I'm on 50's style flower kick!!  I'm always on a 50's kick but these flowers are beautiful and I just can't pass them up!!!

I'm thinking these will probably get used for our tea party! Or even hair clips or play clothes or.......  So many ideas.

And no I can't pass up any vintage sheets. Yes I am a sheet hoarder, ahhh much better I've said it!!  But my justification for these is that I just cut up a bunch of my sheet stash for a quilt I'm working on.

The first photo is so you can see the detail of this material.  It's a full yard of busy colors!!

So there you have it, my thrifty finds from today.  What great things have you found?  Until next time........

Happy Thrifting!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Frog Prince

Good Morning everyone!!! I hope you're having a great Wednesday morning!!

I haven't quite got the tutorial for the hooded bath towel finished yet, but I'm working on it I swear. Yesterday was a very busy day I substituted for the 4 year old class at one of our local churches from 9am-2pm and then it was off to the Post Office, the grocery store, the school and then on to cooking dinner so needless to say I didn't get it finished yet. I must say, it is amazing how tiresome it is to be in a very tiny room with 11 4 year olds for 5 hours. I wanted to crawl back into bed when I got home!! I honestly do not know how teachers can do it all day long.

Well I digress.........

I have several nieces and nephews, but only 2 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews actually live here in the same town as us so I get to see them more often. My oldest niece that lives here will be turning 7 in August and even typing this now I think back to the morning she was born. I had been at the hospital all night long and had to take finals at college the next day, at the exact time I was sitting down to take my test I recieved a call letting me know that she decided to make her grand entrance. She was so beautiful and at the time I was lucky enough to live right next to her mom and dad. I was single at the time and a big chunk of my money was spent on my new beautiful niece she was my pride and joy!!! Well she's not so little anymore, she is a beautiful 1st grader and sharper than a tack. She is the spitting image of her beautiful mommy!! I bet you're wondering where I am going with this... right? Well, kids can be very curel and they are!!! Lilly-Beth (that is not her real name but that is what we call her) is a very stout little girl and she is bigger than most of the kids in her class (mind you her mommy is almost 6ft tall) and they pick on her pretty often, she doesn't get invited to stay the night with friends and the other things kids do.
Her mom called me a few weeks ago and wanted to put together a tea party for the kids so Lilly could have a fun day, so we've been planning a grand tea party fit for a princess. I've decided to make crowns out of scrap pieces of material I have lying around and some fabirc bunting to match. The crowns are what I want to share with you today. What do yall think?
The orange and white crown is not lop-sided like it looks in the photo. I free hand drew the patern for the crowns so they are both a little different. The orange one actually seems to be a little bit bigger thann the other one. The elastic is upcycled from 2 pairs of old pajama pants that my boys grew out of.

These are just photos of the details on the crowns. I had a lot of fun decorating these and there is a plan to make several more over the weekend :)

Incase yall are wondering why it's Mr. Frog modeling these little princess crowns, it's because my honey didn't want me to take photos of the boys in the crowns. He let them wear them long enough for me to make sure they would fit little heads as well as they fit big people heads but when I went for the camera he screached asked me nicely to not take photos of his boys in princess crowns. So I had to find a model and Mr. Frog politely volunteered. Thank you Mr. Frog.

I tried the crowns on and they fit me pretty comfortably too so I think these will be perfect for our little tea party. This will be my very first tea party EVER!!! We have several weeks to get this all put together because we are waiting til Spring Break so that it can be more fun (Middle of March). Have you ever thrown a tea party for a little girl? Do you have any other suggestions so that we can make this even more perfect? If you do please let me know I would love to hear your ideas!! So until next time............

Happy Crafting!!!

Check out my parties tab to see what parties I'm linking to,  along with these extras

Show and Tell Green   

Monday, February 14, 2011

Not a Valentine Post

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

I know it's Valentine's Day and there are several posts out in blogland about decorations and cute things, but I kind of fell behind this year so we didn't really go all out this time.  I do any how have something really simple and useful to share with yall today.  I spent most of my weekend crafting and setting things up for later this week. 

Let me say before I show you one of the things I made this weekend, that Necessity truly is the mother of invention.  I know I've said this before, but when you have 2 boys in one house you can never have too many bath towels.  My boys can get dirty quicker than any other!!  I can wash every towel in this house and I swear 3 days later they're all dirty again!!  So this weekend I hit up our local Family Dollar and grabbed some cheap bath towels and some cheap hand towels and whipped up some hooded towels for my monsters.  This has to be the easiest thing I've made in a very long time and the most useful!!!  We've already used the towels twice since they were made and the boys love them!!

That cheesy little smile seems to be the only type of smile I can ever get out of him here lately, but even though he doesn't really show it, he really does like his towel!!

See he will still smile really big for mommy!!!  You can't really tell from these photos, but these towels are HUGE so they have room to grown into them.  I am going to be making several of these for my nieces and my nephew so if yall are interested in a quick tutorial let me know and I will put one together.  So until next time........

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I'm linking to these parties

Making mmm button

Friday, February 11, 2011

Frantic Friday

Well Happy Friday afternoon to everyone!!!

Between a Valentines party to go to, a crabby 2 year old because he missed his nap and a messy house to clean I haven't had much time today to post anything.  I wanted to stop by and tell everyone that my rosette hair clip is going to be posted on Daily DIY on One Pretty Thing!!!  I'm so excited!!!

I hope yall have a great weekend!!!! So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

I hit the mother load of vintage sheets during my thrifting excursion this week!!!  If you've ever gone thrifting for vintage sheets then you know that it's not always a success.  I have to admit sometimes it gets a little discouraging, but I keep going because when I have days like this one it's all worth it!!

These first 2 are complete sets (queen size fitted sheet, flat sheet and 2 pillow cases)
This one is a full sized fitted sheet............

This is a full sized fitted sheet and a pillow case.......

This is a very large round table cloth that is actually 2 pieces sewn together.........

This one is a king sized fitted sheet there was a flat sheet that matched it, but it was thread bear in a few places and stained so it has been put to use as dusting rags...............

This one is a queen sized fitted sheet.............
Now these 2 are not vintage, but I have big BIG plans for them in a few up and coming quilts..........

Now I have saved my favorite thrifty find for last, it isn't actually vintage it is a reproduction but it is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it awesome???  Now the best part about all of these great thrifty finds is all of them together only cost me $26.00.  I think I just got the thrifty boost I needed!!!  What great things have you found out on your thrifty excursions lately??? 

Happy Thrifting!!!

Wedding Project

Happy Thursday yall!!!

I am happy to report, my oldest son is doing MUCH better today thank you everyone for the well wishes!!!  He is finally going to get to go to school, we are going to have so much homework over the weekend!!  I love Mucinex, after just one dose his cough started to sound better and he started to perk up and act more like his normal self.  YAY for healthier babies, we're not out of the snotty nosed woods yet, but we are much closer!!!

Now onto what I wanted to share with yall today.  A few posts back I had mentioned that I was working on a few wedding projects and I hadn't gotten around to posting them until now.  This is just one of the few projects that I have finished, but I think this one is one of my favorites!!!  We are having a vintage style wedding in May, so burlap and hankies fits right in with our theme.  This is the ring bearer pillow that my youngest son will be escorting down the aisle.

I freezer paper stenciled our initials on with permanent marker
This hankie belonged to my grandmother and it matches the colors of our wedding perfectly!!
The rings are tied on by twine.  These aren't our wedding rings I took them off so you could see how they will go on the pillow.  What do yall think?
This is a side view of the pillow so you can see how it looks with the hanky on the bottom of the burlap
Just one more quick photo of the top of the pillow, I love how our initials look and the rings tied on by the twine!!  Very vintage and kind of ruggid right?  Make sure to come back later this afternoon when I post my Thrifty Thursday post I'm fixing to get busy taking my photos, I am so excited about that post!!!  See you in a bit!!

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