As most of you know planning a wedding or any party or event can be stressful. Especially when there's so much that has to go into it and you're making a lot of it yourself. Well since I've started this blog I've met a lot of interesting and wonderful people that I wouldn't have met otherwise and I am so grateful for that!!! One of these wonderful people is Cameron over at Paint Myself Pretty. She loves to plan events and knows how stressful they can be and she volunteered to help me with anything I needed help with. I didn't take her up on her offer immediately because I was afraid to put her out, but she was very serious about her offer, so after talking to my honey I decided I would take her up on her offer and I plan to make something just as wonderful for her as a HUGE Thank you!!!
I cannot even put into words how much I truly appreciate what you did Cameron!!! They are beautiful and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! They will be a perfect match to all of the other decorations at the wedding!!!
Now would yall like to see what Cameron did??? I promise yall will love them as much as I do!!!
Ok first off it was wrapped in white tissue paper, but I was so excited I forgot to take a photo of it before I unwrapped it. Isn't that "bow" adorable??? It's on a clip and can be removed and reused :)
Are you excited to see what's inside?? I know I was!!!

Ok, I don't know what's up with Blogger today, but the photo of the back will not upload the right way it's suppose to be turned on it's side. So frustrating!! I can't stand it when it does that, but you can still see how great they are!!! I was looking at them and I wanted to show you what some of them say, I don't know if Cameron realized it while she was making it, but the sayings on some of them are so perfect!!! I forgot to mention that these are the favors for the guests. They have flower seeds in them!!

There are many, many more but blogger is not cooperating today!!! She also sent me some blue buttons to decorate the paper bird seed cones with!! I told her that she could make them however she wanted and she did an amazing job!! So once again THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH CAMERON!!!
I wanted to show yall 2 more things for the wedding today while I was filling yall in about the wedding. My mom made our invitations and I absolutely love them so I thought I would share a photo of them with yall today.
I love the owls on the invitations and the fact that the paper has plants and seeds pressed into it!!!
And one more thing a preview of what my boys will be wearing. There will be a few alterations made to the outfit, but this is basically it. What do yall think?
Doesn't he look adorable?!! He loves his out fit it took me forever to get it off of him.
Well I will be gone atleast until Wednesday, I may sneak in a post before then, but incase I hope yall have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful start to next week!! So until next time........
Happy Crafting!!!