Happy Crafting!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A few pink things
I know I said goodnight, but I did a search on google for pink images and these are a few I came up with that I wanted to share.
Pink for October
I know I'm a few hours early, but I wanted to get a head start and I've been falling behind in my posts here lately so I figured what better post to catch up with than this one.
There are few things I want to share before I go into the details of this post.
First of all my 4 year old son broke his arm on Sunday for the second time within 6 months. I think we were more upset about it then he was or even is. He hasn't complained one bit and he only cried when I had to lay him on the x-ray table because he thought I was going to leave him at the hospital. He has the brightest neon yellow cast I've ever seen we almost need to wear sunglasses to look at it. Sooo.... we've marked it up as much as possible with permanent markers. We even let him and his brother color on it with crayons!!
We did manage to have something exciting happen this week. We're MOVING!!!! We live in an upstairs apartment that doesn't have a washer or dryer so we have to use the complex's laundry facilities which is such a pain when you have 3 males to do laundry for. I'm so excited, I've always loved blue houses with white trim and guess what, it's a blue house with white trim!!!! We won't be moving til November 1st so I have plenty of time to organize, pack and get things together.
Ok now onto this post, I plan on trying to make as many of my posts this month pink. I have lots of ideas I just hope they all pan out like I want. So I'm going to call it a night for now, but I will be back with lots more pink stuff!!!!
Happy Crafting!!!!
There are few things I want to share before I go into the details of this post.
First of all my 4 year old son broke his arm on Sunday for the second time within 6 months. I think we were more upset about it then he was or even is. He hasn't complained one bit and he only cried when I had to lay him on the x-ray table because he thought I was going to leave him at the hospital. He has the brightest neon yellow cast I've ever seen we almost need to wear sunglasses to look at it. Sooo.... we've marked it up as much as possible with permanent markers. We even let him and his brother color on it with crayons!!
We did manage to have something exciting happen this week. We're MOVING!!!! We live in an upstairs apartment that doesn't have a washer or dryer so we have to use the complex's laundry facilities which is such a pain when you have 3 males to do laundry for. I'm so excited, I've always loved blue houses with white trim and guess what, it's a blue house with white trim!!!! We won't be moving til November 1st so I have plenty of time to organize, pack and get things together.
Ok now onto this post, I plan on trying to make as many of my posts this month pink. I have lots of ideas I just hope they all pan out like I want. So I'm going to call it a night for now, but I will be back with lots more pink stuff!!!!
Happy Crafting!!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thrifty Thursday plus a little more
Ok, Ok this is my last post for the day I swear. Well like I said before I love the thrift store and I usually go to our local thrift store on Thursdays. Today I got several great things for only $11 a beautiful yellow dress with embroidery print in orange and brown around the bottom that I plan to turn into a skirt becuase I'm a little too busty for the top of it (if you get my drift). I also got a large bag of lace that equals all together about 20 yards, a blue t-shirt that is way to small for me that I'm going to be using in another project, 2 medium rolls of felt one is an off white color and the other is white. I scored big time!!!
Ok now onto the next thing I want to share with ya'll today. I was inspired by this and by the fact that next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I had a pink t-shirt that I never wear because I'm not a pink fan (come on now I have 2 boys and a fiance so it's all about the blue's, red's and greens) and I have plenty of zippers, lace and buttons so this is what I came up with. For not liking pink or shiny stuff I must say it is beautiful!!!
![]() |
isn't it pretty? |

I am not a model so please excuse my scrawny neck in the first picture.
I hope ya'll have a great evening and enjoy all the posts from today!!
Happy Crafting!!!
5 questions for my blog Part 2
Ok the other day I blogged about a swap I'm part of on Swap-bot that is for bloggers where you have 2 partners and you send 5 questions to each partner that they answer on their blog. If you missed the first 5 questions from my first partner you can read the here. These questions are my second set from my partner Faiza. These are some pretty tough questions so I spent most of the time that my oldest was at school and my youngest was taking a nap figuring out my answers. I hope you enjoy reading my answers as much as I enjoyed putting them together.
1.You have eleven tattoss so far. What might #12 be and why?
Hmmm.... This is a tough question I think my next tattoo will be after my wedding because I want to add the date to the piece on my back that says Always & Forever.
2.I know you love photogrpahy. Can you show your favourite picture that you have taken and tell us why it is your favourite?
I can show you a few photos, I'm not really certain which ones are my favorite, but I love landscape photography and any photos of my boys!! These are just a few that I still had on my computer, if I really went digging then I'm sure I could do several posts of nothing but photos. I hope you enjoy these that I've chosen.
3.koRn is you favourite band. What is your favourtie lyric of theirs from one of their songs?
Yes KoRn is my favorite band and has been for more than 10 years!!! I'd have to say these are on of my favorite lyrics from one of their songs......
Come on, step inside, and you will realize.
Tell me what you need, tell me what to be.
What's your vision?
You'll see, what do you expect of me?
I cant live that lie.
4.Show us what you feel is your best drawing and tell us what you like about it.
I don't really have a favorite drawing because I criticize everything I do even my photos and my crafts. These are a few of my drawings that I've done recently... (Just to clarify I never claimed to be good at drawing)
I hope you can see them well enough to see what they are.
5.You have two beautiful children. What do you wish they knew about you that they maybe don't see you because you are their mom?I think that I just want them to know that no matter how firm I have to be with them sometimes I always no matter what am proud of them and love them with all of my heart!!!
Thank you for asking these great questions and I hope ya'll enjoy reading my answers just as much as I enjoyed answering them.
Happy Crafting!!!
I got an award!!!
Hell everyone,
I have several things that I have to post today so I'm going to be breaking it up into several posts throughout the day. This first post is because I recieved an award from a fellow blogger. I'm so excited that I got an award, it may not be a big deal to other people but considering I started this blog not that long ago and already have several followers (mostly because of swap-bot) it is a very big deal to me.
Thank you Hayley from Hanging off the wire!!! I am honored that someone else likes my blog enough to give me an award like this!!!
I have several things that I have to post today so I'm going to be breaking it up into several posts throughout the day. This first post is because I recieved an award from a fellow blogger. I'm so excited that I got an award, it may not be a big deal to other people but considering I started this blog not that long ago and already have several followers (mostly because of swap-bot) it is a very big deal to me.
Thank you Hayley from Hanging off the wire!!! I am honored that someone else likes my blog enough to give me an award like this!!!
There are a few rules that go along with recieving this award...........
1. Accept the award. Post the name of the person that presented you with the award along with a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Present the award to 15 other blogs that you recently discovered.
3. Contact the bloggers that you presented the award to letting them know that they have been chosen.
These are the 15 blogs I have discovered that I love and present this award to....
5. mmmcrafts
6. Toad's Treasures
7. Make it and love it
8. ikat bag
9. Ucreate
10. HoneyBear Lane
11. Until Wednesday Calls
12. retro mama
13. Amanda Makes
14. Polka Dot Pineapple
15. Poppy Lane
These blogs aren't listed in any particular order I love them all and ya'll should check them out!!!
I'll be back later this afternoon with alot more stuff!!
Happy Crafting!!!
7. Make it and love it
8. ikat bag
9. Ucreate
10. HoneyBear Lane
11. Until Wednesday Calls
12. retro mama
13. Amanda Makes
14. Polka Dot Pineapple
15. Poppy Lane
These blogs aren't listed in any particular order I love them all and ya'll should check them out!!!
I'll be back later this afternoon with alot more stuff!!
Happy Crafting!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ok before I post any photos yall should know that my camera and me are not very good friends today.
I want to start off by showing you the outfit that I made for Bella. It's made out of one of my oldest sons shirts and an old apron that belonged to my grandmother.
<-- She looks like she's trying to hug the camera (haha)
This is a better photo of the whole dress, she has several outfits, but she and all of her accessories are already packed and waiting patiently for christmas >
< Ok, this is the photo of the bag and the eye glass case (bad photo I know)
This is the photo of the liner of the bag. I'm not a big purple fan, but I LOVE this print and the colors are so beautiful!!
This is the close up of the eye glass case. I'm thinking about actually making this my first tutorial because it's simple and there is hardly any sewing needed. It's my own project and my own pattern, but before I make the tutorial I need to work a few bugs out first.
Now this is something I've been wanting to share for awhile, but I was waiting til I got them all together and cut apart so that ya'll could see how pretty they were. We all get junk mail, hospital bills and other bills of course, If you've ever paid attention to the inside of those envelopes then you know that some of them are beautiful on the inside and have different prints in different colors. I've been saving them for awhile and I've had a few friends and family members saving them for me as well. I'm going to be using them for several different things including decorations for our up and comming nuptuals.
See aren't they so pretty, the possibilities are endless. I will be sure to share some of the things I do with them as I go!!
Happy Crafting!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Questions for a Swap
Well I'm going to start this post off by saying that I love swap-bot it is a great place to meet new friends and recieve some great things in the mail. This post is for a recent swap I signed up for called 5 questions on my blog, we were assigned 2 partners and we had to ask them questions that they answer on their blogs and they did the same for their partners. This is going to be part 1 of 2 these first 5 questions are from one of my partners Hayley. I must say she asked some pretty good questions so this may take me longer that I thought it was going to.
1. You have 11 tattoos. What are the meanings behind each one?
Yes I do have 11 tattoos, I started when I was 18 and had moved away from my little home town in West Texas to live in Chandler, Arizona. I actually got my belly button pierced first and then I went back for my tattoo. The day I was headed to the tattoo studio I was in a car accident and was rear ended at a red light, I had to reschedule my appointment and go back 2 weeks later. That tattoo is on my lower back and it is a tribal tattoo because at the time those were all the rage (remember I was 18 ha ha).
Tattoo #2 is on my lower right leg and I actually drew it myself, my favorite flowers are pansies and I really wanted a pansie tattoo but all the ones I had seen were so horrible I didn't want to have to look at them for the rest of my life.
Tattoo #3 was a small butterfly on my left shoulder blade, it is blue because it's my favorite color and I love butterflies. I went with a really good friend of mine and her boyfriend at the time it was very spontaneouse (sp?) because I wasn't planning on getting a tattoo that night we actually had to drive back home to get my ID because I forgot it and left it at home.
Tattoo #4 my baby boy Landon's name in the middle of a tribal heart with a butterfly on it on my right shoulder blade. I don't really need to explain why I got that one right? :)
Tattoo #5 my baby boy Justin's name above a bright blue and green butterfly on my right foot no explination needed :)
Tattoo #6 an Ankh on the back of my neck with alot of little bitty detailing on the inside of it. This is the cross that represents eternal life. I was going through a really hard time in my life, I was a single mom at the time and the Ankh was inspiration for me because no matter what happens to us in this life time (trials and tribulations) we only become stronger as individuals and what we do leaves a legacy to remember us by.
Tattoo #7 a very large tribal that goes from the top of my foot to the middle of my calf on my left leg it is solid black with blue dots. This was the first tattoo that I let a friend of mine do and it was for practice for her and it was because I really loved the design of it. This one really didn't have a meaning when I got if but now it serves a very good purpose, I ended up breaking that ankle shortly after I got the tattoo and it still bothers me really bad and the tattoo is what helps my kids know which ankle is mommy's bad ankle.
Tattoo #8 is 3 butterflies on my rib cage they match a tattoo that my aunt got the same night and that my cousin will get when she is a few years older it was to represent our bond each butterfly is the person that it represents favorite colors.
Tattoo #9 this one is kind of hard to explain it starts on the right side of my chest and goes down my right arm it is a butterfly, but one of the wings is a guitar and music notes and stars go down my right arm. I love my guitar and music always makes me smile.
Tattoo #10 This one is hard to explain as well it is in the same place as tattoo #9 just on the left side and it is a treble cleff that has piano keys in it and it has stars and music notes going down my arm on the left side.
Tattoo #11 A very large back piece of cherry blossoms and the chinese letters that represent Always and Forever. I drew this one myself also. My fiance got the Always and Forever letters on his chest to match the one on my back. This is an inside thing between me and him, there's a whole other long paragraph that goes with it.
2. What is your favorite thing about each of your boys?
This is very easy for me in some ways but very hard too because it's hard to just pick one thing about each boy but if I had to narrow it down I would have to say......
Landon : This is something you should know about Landon in order to understand why the following is my favorite thing, he is blind in his right eye and has been since he was born he has had 7 eye surgeries and 1 surgery on his arm. My favorite thing about Landon would have to be his love for life and all the small things he has always managed to find something to smile about no matter the situation he is such a positive little boy and so inspiring!!!!
Justin: Justin is my active ,high strung, stubborn, chunky momma's boy. My favorite thing about Justin would have to be, he is so strong willed (some people would say he's just a bad little boy) he will try anything over and over and over again until he gets it the way he thinks it should be. He doesn't always listen the first time he is told to do something, but I think it's because he can't just leave it alone he has to finish it. Do you understand what I mean?
3. What is your most recent favorite craft you have done?
Hmmmm..... This one is pretty hard. I would have to say that it's a toss up between a bag I just made that I can't post pictures of yet because it is a present for someone or it would be Bella my Waldorf inspired doll I made for my niece.
4. If you could spend the day with one person (famous, alive, dead, whatever), who would it be and why?
I've lost 3 important family members so this one really is impossible. I lost my Grandmother and my Aunt all in one school year and I lost my Grandpa a few years ago. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it because if I could spend one day with all of them that would be the most precious day. My Aunt and my Grandmother never got to see either one of my beautiful boys, but my Grandpa was able to hold Landon but not Justin so I wish I could spend one day with all of them!!!
5. What is your favorite blog to read and why?
Oh Geez!!! This one is not going to be easy either........ I would have to say any of the blogs on my blog roll, but I would also have to add A girl and a glue gun. I actually discovered her blog last night and spent probably a good hour just reading away she is so funny in her posts and she has some really great ideas.
Well everyone, this is probably the longest post I have ever done. I hope ya'll enjoy reading these answers and I will have another post of questions and answers in the next few days from my other partner. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Happy Crafting!!
1. You have 11 tattoos. What are the meanings behind each one?
Yes I do have 11 tattoos, I started when I was 18 and had moved away from my little home town in West Texas to live in Chandler, Arizona. I actually got my belly button pierced first and then I went back for my tattoo. The day I was headed to the tattoo studio I was in a car accident and was rear ended at a red light, I had to reschedule my appointment and go back 2 weeks later. That tattoo is on my lower back and it is a tribal tattoo because at the time those were all the rage (remember I was 18 ha ha).
Tattoo #2 is on my lower right leg and I actually drew it myself, my favorite flowers are pansies and I really wanted a pansie tattoo but all the ones I had seen were so horrible I didn't want to have to look at them for the rest of my life.
Tattoo #3 was a small butterfly on my left shoulder blade, it is blue because it's my favorite color and I love butterflies. I went with a really good friend of mine and her boyfriend at the time it was very spontaneouse (sp?) because I wasn't planning on getting a tattoo that night we actually had to drive back home to get my ID because I forgot it and left it at home.
Tattoo #4 my baby boy Landon's name in the middle of a tribal heart with a butterfly on it on my right shoulder blade. I don't really need to explain why I got that one right? :)
Tattoo #5 my baby boy Justin's name above a bright blue and green butterfly on my right foot no explination needed :)
Tattoo #6 an Ankh on the back of my neck with alot of little bitty detailing on the inside of it. This is the cross that represents eternal life. I was going through a really hard time in my life, I was a single mom at the time and the Ankh was inspiration for me because no matter what happens to us in this life time (trials and tribulations) we only become stronger as individuals and what we do leaves a legacy to remember us by.
Tattoo #7 a very large tribal that goes from the top of my foot to the middle of my calf on my left leg it is solid black with blue dots. This was the first tattoo that I let a friend of mine do and it was for practice for her and it was because I really loved the design of it. This one really didn't have a meaning when I got if but now it serves a very good purpose, I ended up breaking that ankle shortly after I got the tattoo and it still bothers me really bad and the tattoo is what helps my kids know which ankle is mommy's bad ankle.
Tattoo #8 is 3 butterflies on my rib cage they match a tattoo that my aunt got the same night and that my cousin will get when she is a few years older it was to represent our bond each butterfly is the person that it represents favorite colors.
Tattoo #9 this one is kind of hard to explain it starts on the right side of my chest and goes down my right arm it is a butterfly, but one of the wings is a guitar and music notes and stars go down my right arm. I love my guitar and music always makes me smile.
Tattoo #10 This one is hard to explain as well it is in the same place as tattoo #9 just on the left side and it is a treble cleff that has piano keys in it and it has stars and music notes going down my arm on the left side.
Tattoo #11 A very large back piece of cherry blossoms and the chinese letters that represent Always and Forever. I drew this one myself also. My fiance got the Always and Forever letters on his chest to match the one on my back. This is an inside thing between me and him, there's a whole other long paragraph that goes with it.
2. What is your favorite thing about each of your boys?
This is very easy for me in some ways but very hard too because it's hard to just pick one thing about each boy but if I had to narrow it down I would have to say......
Landon : This is something you should know about Landon in order to understand why the following is my favorite thing, he is blind in his right eye and has been since he was born he has had 7 eye surgeries and 1 surgery on his arm. My favorite thing about Landon would have to be his love for life and all the small things he has always managed to find something to smile about no matter the situation he is such a positive little boy and so inspiring!!!!
Justin: Justin is my active ,high strung, stubborn, chunky momma's boy. My favorite thing about Justin would have to be, he is so strong willed (some people would say he's just a bad little boy) he will try anything over and over and over again until he gets it the way he thinks it should be. He doesn't always listen the first time he is told to do something, but I think it's because he can't just leave it alone he has to finish it. Do you understand what I mean?
3. What is your most recent favorite craft you have done?
Hmmmm..... This one is pretty hard. I would have to say that it's a toss up between a bag I just made that I can't post pictures of yet because it is a present for someone or it would be Bella my Waldorf inspired doll I made for my niece.
4. If you could spend the day with one person (famous, alive, dead, whatever), who would it be and why?
I've lost 3 important family members so this one really is impossible. I lost my Grandmother and my Aunt all in one school year and I lost my Grandpa a few years ago. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it because if I could spend one day with all of them that would be the most precious day. My Aunt and my Grandmother never got to see either one of my beautiful boys, but my Grandpa was able to hold Landon but not Justin so I wish I could spend one day with all of them!!!
5. What is your favorite blog to read and why?
Oh Geez!!! This one is not going to be easy either........ I would have to say any of the blogs on my blog roll, but I would also have to add A girl and a glue gun. I actually discovered her blog last night and spent probably a good hour just reading away she is so funny in her posts and she has some really great ideas.
Well everyone, this is probably the longest post I have ever done. I hope ya'll enjoy reading these answers and I will have another post of questions and answers in the next few days from my other partner. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Happy Crafting!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Just wanted to share
I figured since everyone is all tucked in and deep in zombie land I would share a few vintage illustrations with everyone since they make me so happy everytime I see them........ Enjoy!!!
Oh and by the way these are just a few of the many!!
Oh and by the way these are just a few of the many!!
And I saved this one for last because it is the cutest thing ever and I think that we all played with paper dolls at one time or another. I remember cutting women out of magazines and using them for paper dolls.
Aren't these great? I hope they bring a smile to your face as well!!
Happy Crafting!!
Tutorials, Tutorials and more Tutorials
Well it's been awhile since I posted some tutorials for you all so I figured it was about time. I've been searching for awhile to find some easy sew tutorials that a novice sewer or even the most experienced sewer would enjoy. I myself am a novice sewer. I learned to sew years ago when I was little, but didn't pick it back up until a little while ago. I started off by sewing pillows and things like that, I have since moved onto things that are a little more complicated and I've actually started sewing without paterns (a little brave I know). I've learned through the whole sewing process that I have a photographic memory so I can see something I like and tear it apart in my mind and piece it back together so this is definetly a plus!! I hope that y'all enjoy these tutorials that I've found.
Before I share this first tutorial I must tell you how much I LOVE vintage sheets, pillow cases, curtains and even clothes that I can rip apart and use again. This tutorial is a wonderful apron made from a vintage pillow case...... SO awesome!!! Give it a try and see how easy it is to construct. This would be a great gift to almost any woman in your life!! Oh and if you didn't want to use the snap style buttons you could use regular buttons, zippers or even velcro the possibilities are endles just use a little imagination and see what you can do to make it your own.
Now onto the next easy tutorial. Since we are getting closer to halloween I thought this tutorial would be appropriate. This is a simple bag to sew and you can also use the experience that you get from making this bag to make bags for different occasions as well. I've been working on Christmas gifts already so this year all I'm making for halloween are costumes as I'm already overwhelmed with other projects, but I hope that y'all enjoy this tutorial and the final outcome.
Ok now this tutorial isn't a sewing tutorial, but it is very cute. When I see things like this I wish I had a little girl :(. And this is super super easy and quick.
Well ladies that's all for today until I can get some batteries for my camera and take some photos of Bellas new wardrobe.
Happy Crafting!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Slow Slow Saturday
Hello Everyone,
I have lots of things to share today since I've missed a few days. I will start with my Thrifty Thursday post that I missed......

It was an awesome Thursday, I got 3 books from the Childcraft series. Stories and Fables, Make and Do and Poems and Rhymes all for .75 each (big score). I remember my grandma having these books when I was little and we use to go through them all the time. I also got 3 queen size vintage sheets that I've already started cutting into to, all for .75 each (I only have a photo of one of the sheets due to dead camera batteries). A big bag of beautiful buttons for $1. and 2 halloween buckets for my boys for .50 each. I would have to say that I had a great Thrift store day, wouldn't you?
I have lots of things to share today since I've missed a few days. I will start with my Thrifty Thursday post that I missed......

I also finally made my waldorf inspired doll some clothes and a teddy bear and she finally has a name, Bella.
And a big thanks to Tanja because she suggested I make her more than one outfit for the ultimate Christmas gift so I will be working on the other outfits in the days to come (who knows she may even have several stuffed animals to go with each outfit :)) I will have to post some photos of her soon due once again to dead batteries.
Now on to Friday, I started a new bag and I am absolutely in love with this one. It is made from a vintage set of curtains that I found at the thrift store awhile back. I just loved the colors on the curtains when I first saw them so I just had to have them even though I had no idea what I was going to do with them. I'm glad I got them because I think the bag turned out great, I even used another part of the curtain to make the liner for the bag so it is beautiful inside and out. As you can tell from the photo of the liner I didn't have any orange thread for the zipper, but I try to use what I have instead of going and buying new supplies so I think it will be fine that you can see the ivory colored thread. I'm thinking of making a change purse or a make up bag to match out of some of the left overs I have. I'm pretty sure that my honey would be happy to know that I plan on using all of the material and getting rid of one more piece of material from my stash... ha ha. The possibilites are endless.
Now I need to think up my next project any ideas...........
Happy Crafting!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Waldorf Wednesday
It's been a few days, I've been working on making a doll for my niece for Christmas (it's a little early I know), but I figured I would need to practice several times so I could get her right before Christmas.

I was doing some investigating trying to find the best doll to make and I came across the Waldorf Dolls. They are so cute and look so soft, but I didn't actually have everything I needed to make one so and as you can tell from the link they are pretty pricey. I decided I would use them as my inspiration and create my own Waldorf inspired doll. She only cost me $2.49 because I had to buy the yarn for her hair, I already had the fiber fill, a mismatched sock to help form her head and I used an old sweater that had a few holes in it that I had hanging in the closet to form her body. Her eyes and mouth are embroidered on and her hair is sewn on so it won't come off after being played with. Now I just need to make her clothes. I haven't decided yet what she should wear and what her name should be, but if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to share. I hope to make a few more in the future just for fun she really was alot of fun to make and considering she was my own spin on the Waldorf Doll she's my own original patern. I'll be back soon and will definetly show you her clothes when she finaly has some to wear.

Happy Crafting!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thrifty Thursday
Our local thrift store is only open on Thursday's because it is ran by our local senior citizens and it's a great place to find bargains. I've actually bought alot of my craft supplies from there and I try to go every Thursday. I usually only take a few bucks with me because that all I usually need. Well today I scored big time!! I only spent $2.50 and I got 2 FREE milk glass vases, 2 packages of French lace Doilies (28 in each pack) and 3 yards of vintage lace. There were alot of things I wanted, but they can wait I got the things that were the best finds for the day so all and all it was a big score.

Happy Crafting!!
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