Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It has been a while!!

Good Morning everyone that has stuck around!!  Thank yall that have had the patience to wait around on me.  I had found myself in a little bit of a funk recently and I think I have finally gotten myself out of it.  I have actually finished several projects here lately and I want to share a few of them that I have photographed with yall. 
We had a very busy Independence day, but I did manage to make a very delicious desert and a shirt for me since I forgot to get one when I got everyone else’s shirts. 
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I don’t think that my desert lasted an hour after we started eating it, and I’ve actually already been asked to make it again so I guess it was a hit!!  We had so much fun on the 4th watching the parade and fireworks, my boys loved it!!
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And I must say Independence day is my ALL time favorite holiday!!  After all it is the day after mine and my Dad’s birthday so they must be popping the fireworks for us, right?  It is amazing how beautiful the fireworks are I could watch them all year long for hours at a time!!!

Ok now onto what else I was wanting to share with yall today.  I have never made anything special for anyone and have only been to 1 craft show and I only sold a few things at that show so the thought of selling the things I make has been pretty far fetched for awhile.  BUT the other day I was asked by a friend from my personal Facebook to make cell phone purse for her that she could clip on any bag and could be washable, so after a few practice runs I finally got it right and wanted to share it with yall today just to get some opinions.
The first one was my second attempt and the handle was too long and it is a little to small for the type of phone she has so I decided I would keep it.  The second one (green with pink polka dots) is the one that I am sending to her, what do yall think?
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I must say I am pretty proud of them both because this was the first time I have ever used snaps and on the one that I will be sending to her, I actually made a tag for it.  Honest opinions please, what do yall think?  Well I’m going to go be productive, but I will try my hardest to not disappear for so long next time!!  So until then………………..

Happy Crafting!!


  1. Following you from wandering wednesday! I am also from a small town in Texas but now in Arizona. Miss TX!!!!

  2. Your phone cases look great, I love the green/pink combo of colours and fabrics, very pretty. Your friend will be really pleased!

  3. Thank you ladies!! La-Dee-da crafter, I lived in Arizona for awhile a few years ago!! How cool is that?! Thank you for stopping in, I will drop bye and check out your blog!

    Rachael, Thank you so much!! I hope she likes it!

  4. Hi saw you on the blog hop, now google following, would love if you could pop by, Karima x

  5. I think they're adorable! My favorite is the second one.

    I'm glad to see you're back! :)

  6. You are amazing! Those both look fantastic. The 2nd one looks so should totally try them on Etsy!


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