Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wedding Part 1

Good Morning everyone!!!

If you've followed along on this blog or dropped by recently just to visit then you knew that I've been preparing for our wedding, and I am so happy to say that if finally came this last Saturday!1!  I am officially Mrs. William Cahill!!! 

I spent Friday night with my Mom, Grandmother and my aunt making flower arrangements and finishing up on last minute things. 

Now every wedding has it's little moments of chaos, right??  Well we only had a few small ones that were fixable, but they did put a little wrinkle in things but nothing that couldn't be fixed.  The first little wrinkle was Friday afternoon when the flowers were delivered, I won't say where we ordered the flowers from because I don't want to cause any problems for any one.  But I will say that they were not what we ordered and my Mom spent $90 on the smaller silver pot of flowers that you will see in the photo below and I spent $60 on the 5 gallon bucket (from a local flower shop) that is also in the same photo.  Needless to say we will not be ordering flowers from them again.

Don't get me wrong those are beautiful flowers, but not for $90 and they were not what we ordered, but we did make them work and it wasn't something we couldn't fix.

This is my aunt and I filling milk glass vases while my grandmother made Will's X-box controller cake and our beautiful wedding cake.  Which you have to wait to see until later.  Oh and yes I own everyone of those vases I spent a whole year collecting them from thrift stores, they are all so beautiful!!

I was getting a lecture because she thought I was on the phone with Will.  I wasn't I swear!!

This is a really blurry photo, but I love it anyway because we both have daisy's in our hair!!

My Mom is going to kill me for this, but it was way too funny to not share!!  Jenny and I had gone to run some errands before we got started on the flowers and when we got back to my grandmother's we heard whispering coming out of the bathroom.  SO we went to see what was going on and to our surprise, my mom and grandmother had set  up a make shift photo booth in the bathroom with the flowers and this is one of the photos I took of my mom.

Oh it was so funny, I think we all laughed so hard we had to pee!!  It was so much fun spending the evening before my wedding with the women in my family.  I don't think it could have been any better!!
Well I will be back with more photos later, I hope you enjoyed these.  It really was a wonderful night!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're leaving us wanting more and more :)

    Those vases are so pretty, you're right!
    How funny with your Mom and Gram staging their own photoshoot...haha...I see where you get your craftiness from :D


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