Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!!!

I want to start this post out by saying Thank you to all the brave men and women that have put their lives on the line so that we can be free!!!  We live in a great country and I think we should all be reminded of that every once in awhile.  I am proud to be an American…..what about you???


The photo above was found by doing a Google search.  I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Memorial day!!  I will be back tomorrow with my next wedding post!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wedding Part 2

So how many of you were disappointed that I left you hanging yesterday??  I couldn't help it, I am so excited to share how great our wedding was with all of you!!!  So now I guess we will move onto Saturday.

We started out early Saturday morning, my aunt came and picked me up so that we could set up the convention  center for the reception.  There was a lot of running around, going here and there, forgetting this and that.  But in the end it was all perfect!!  I'll just show you how everything was set up and let you see for yourself.

This was the centerpiece for our table at the reception.  Do you see my burlap table runner and our tea light candles??  I used the tea light candles as a way to go around to everyone's  tables and thank them for sharing that day with us.  I went around when we got to the reception and lit all of the candles myself just for that reason.
Everyone of the tables had a burlap runner and a milk glass vase full of flowers on it.
All of the flowers were very bright and made you think of spring.  Just looking at them makes me smile.  I still have 3 very large vases full of flowers in my living room.  I took an entire 5 gallon bucket full of flowers out to the cemetery and distributed them out on several graves of my loved ones that I missed dearly the day of our wedding.
This AMAZING c.d. player played all of our music.  It fit in perfectly with our theme and it was so much cheaper than paying for a D.J.  I wanted to bring it home with me, but I had to give it back to my mom.  Isn't it beautiful?!

All of the silverware matched the invitations.  We tried to re-use and recycle as much as we could through out the whole wedding, so my mom came up with this wonderful idea when I flew down to see her because there was a miss-print on the first set of invitations that she made and we didn't want to throw them out so we just cut the owls out and wrapped them around the silverware.  They tied it all together very nicely!  My mom is amazing!!!

These were set up on tables right inside the first set of doors you came through.  I made the bird seed cones that are displayed in the thrifted suitcase and my dear blogging friend Cameron from Paint Myself Pretty made the flower seed envelopes in the wooden box for me.   I blogged about them awhile back here.  They were such a huge hit, everyone loved them and they fit right in!!  Again Thank you so much Cameron!!

This was the guest book table that was also set up as soon as you came in the door.  Friday evening when we were putting things together, my Mom noticed that on the back of the photo that is in the back on the right hand side (me in a tutu) was dated May 21, 1989!!  Isn't that crazy???

This was set up right inside the second set of doors.  This was for everyone to leave us a note.  In the left corner you can see the mason jar with the chalkboard label.  I wrote leave us a note in chalk and filled it with pens.  My matron of honor decorated the birdcage and made all of the note cards.  This was a HUGE hit!!!

Everything was beautiful and I will be back tomorrow to share more!!  We're getting closer to seeing the actual wedding photos so just hang with me!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wedding Part 1

Good Morning everyone!!!

If you've followed along on this blog or dropped by recently just to visit then you knew that I've been preparing for our wedding, and I am so happy to say that if finally came this last Saturday!1!  I am officially Mrs. William Cahill!!! 

I spent Friday night with my Mom, Grandmother and my aunt making flower arrangements and finishing up on last minute things. 

Now every wedding has it's little moments of chaos, right??  Well we only had a few small ones that were fixable, but they did put a little wrinkle in things but nothing that couldn't be fixed.  The first little wrinkle was Friday afternoon when the flowers were delivered, I won't say where we ordered the flowers from because I don't want to cause any problems for any one.  But I will say that they were not what we ordered and my Mom spent $90 on the smaller silver pot of flowers that you will see in the photo below and I spent $60 on the 5 gallon bucket (from a local flower shop) that is also in the same photo.  Needless to say we will not be ordering flowers from them again.

Don't get me wrong those are beautiful flowers, but not for $90 and they were not what we ordered, but we did make them work and it wasn't something we couldn't fix.

This is my aunt and I filling milk glass vases while my grandmother made Will's X-box controller cake and our beautiful wedding cake.  Which you have to wait to see until later.  Oh and yes I own everyone of those vases I spent a whole year collecting them from thrift stores, they are all so beautiful!!

I was getting a lecture because she thought I was on the phone with Will.  I wasn't I swear!!

This is a really blurry photo, but I love it anyway because we both have daisy's in our hair!!

My Mom is going to kill me for this, but it was way too funny to not share!!  Jenny and I had gone to run some errands before we got started on the flowers and when we got back to my grandmother's we heard whispering coming out of the bathroom.  SO we went to see what was going on and to our surprise, my mom and grandmother had set  up a make shift photo booth in the bathroom with the flowers and this is one of the photos I took of my mom.

Oh it was so funny, I think we all laughed so hard we had to pee!!  It was so much fun spending the evening before my wedding with the women in my family.  I don't think it could have been any better!!
Well I will be back with more photos later, I hope you enjoyed these.  It really was a wonderful night!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am a MARRIED woman!!!

Hello everyone!!

I had the most wonderful weekend, I am a married woman now!!!  I will be back with pictures soon.  I just had to stop in and share my excitement!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to my wonderful, selfless, caring, thoughtful, beautiful mom!!!  I wouldn't be who I am without you!!  You sacrificed so much for me that I could never begin to express how grateful I truly am to you!!  I know that I've only heard stories because I was too young to even realize what was going on in the world around me, but thank you for all the times you sacrificed your meal and lived off of a candy bar and a coke just so I could eat!!  You are an amazingly strong women and I am so proud to call you my Mother!!!

P.S. I know that you are not going to be happy that I posted this photo for the world to see, but they deserve to see how beautiful and special my Mommy Truly is!!  I love you!!!
I Love You Mom!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

I need some input!!

Well we are only 2 weeks from our wedding and I really need some help with the music!!!  We know what our first dance is going to be and a few other key songs, but I need some more music for the reception.  So my request is that you leave a comment with your favorite dancing songs.  We also need some great Jazz songs to play too because that is kind of the theme.  So please if you have any ideas I would love to hear them!!  Thank you so much, yall are going to be a life saver!! 

Oh and I thought I would share with yall some of our songs that we're going to have played so yall could get a picture in your heads of the feeling we are going for.  These are not the only songs that will be played, but these are a few of our favorites.  We are also going to be playing some really fun songs for the kids to dance to so if yall know of any of those I'd love for you to list them too!!  Thanks in advance, Really!!!

Our actual song is Lucky by Jason Mraz  (LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!!, but it's too fast because my honey can't dance.  ssshhhh don't tell him I told you)

No greater love by Amy Whinehouse (the song we will dance to, absolutely beautiful!!)

Wink and Smile sung by Harry Connick Jr. (this man has such a magical voice, LOVE LOVE it!!)

Those are just a few, I will be back to share more later, but until them comment away with all your favorites!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

So much to share

Good afternoon everyone!!

We had such a busy weekend around here that I have several things to share with yall!!

  But first and foremost, today is my cousin's 28th birthday!!  Happy Birthday J, I wish you were still here so we could all celebrate with you, but I know that you are looking down on us from above and I know you can feel the love that we all have for you!!!  We miss you with all of our hearts and can't wait to see you again!!

Ok now onto a few things that aren't so sad today.  My oldest son played his first t-ball game on Saturday and it was so much fun to go and watch him play!!  They did so great!!

There was a point when he was playing third baseman and he was getting not action so he sat down and starting pulling up grass, it was so funny watching all the funny things kids do at this age.

Ok, now onto the other things that filled my weekend.  On Sunday my Aunt came over and we made hair bows for her t-ball team because she's a coach of an all girls t-ball team named the ladybugs and they have their first game this evening.  We had so much fun making the hair bows.  We found a tutorial on line that we followed, so if I can find it again I will definitely link back to it.

                                            The ladybugs have landed!!  Aren't they cute?!?
We also made these bows for them as well.  I think the plan is for the girls to wear the ladybugs on their visors and these bows in their hair.
Can you tell what color the team is?  We just loved these bows and they were a learning experience.  When we were done with these we just started messing around with some of the left over ribbon and this is the bow I came up with for one of my other nieces that lives about 20 miles away be cause the ribbon mathced her school colors.
Oh and she loved it by the way, I couldn't have been happier!!!  Ok, now onto the other project I've been working on.  My oldest son and my niece are in the same grade in school (pre-k) and they are going to be performing in their first program on Thursday for Cinco De Mayo.  They have to have a certain costume for the play that first in with the theme, so I did some research using google to try and find a simple dress I could make for my niece and this is what I came up with.
It was a very quick project.  I used one of the boys old t-shirts that had a stain on it and a piece of a dress that I bought at the thrift store quite awhile back and a piece of orange material from my stash to make the sash.  I also made a big flower for her to wear with from a piece of the dress and some felt.
So what do yall think?  Does it look like it will go along with holiday?  I sure hope so because she has to have it at school in the morning.  How busy was your weekend??  What did you do??  So until next time.............

Happy Crafting!!!

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