Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New craft

Good morning everyone!

I have started today so confused I can’t even figure out how I got so thrown off.  I woke my honey up thinking he had work today and he didn’t.  Then I went to pick my nephew up, like I do every other day other than Friday’s and was informed I didn’t keep him on Fridays!  And now my 3 year old is very upset with me because he really wanted his play mate to come over today!  Hopefully by the end of this post I will have my act together………..HA!

Well in other news, I really enjoyed making the Coraline dolls for my friend so I decided I would give it another go and embroider this dolls entire face.  Soooooooooo……. What do you think?

                                        Doll face

I’m not sure that she looks as sweet as I was hoping, but maybe once she has hair and clothes she will look much, MUCH better!!!!!!!

Well, I don’t think this post was long enough for me to get my act together so wish me luck for the rest of the day and until next time…………


Happy Crafting and Scatter brainess!!


  1. Haha! Makes you wonder what happens to us sometimes, eh?! We've all been there....just hope it doesn't happen again now for a long, long time :)

    Your embroidery is so neat! Mine is more "primitive" haha!

  2. Hey People,
    Home run! Thanks for creating something worth reading!


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