Monday, January 9, 2012

An entire week of baseball caps and hoodies!!

Let me explain to you why the title for this post is what it is!!
I am so glad to be starting a new week!!  Last week wasn’t so great for me.  I have been dying my hair red for the past 4 or 5 months I guess and I decided last Tuesday that I was tired of the red and wanted my natural blond back.  SOOOOO……….  smart genius me decided to have a friend bleach it and after the first round of bleach my hair was orange and a little fried.  So we waited till Saturday to try it again and this time it was yellow and even more fried than the first time!!  And let me tell you, it had taken me 2 yes that’s right 2 years to grow my hair down to my shoulders and I managed to ruin it ALL in a matter of days!  It is now much closer to the beautiful color I was going for which is my natural color and I am back to this hair cut!!
It is still a bit fried in the front where I left it long, but I can manage with that!  I’m just not looking forward to how long it will be before I have long hair again.  Oh and let me show you the before picture when it was shoulder length and red.  Not the best picture, but the only one I could find.
So, what do you think, is it horrible?????  I can tell you that I learned a very important lesson, I AM SO DONE WITH MY RED HAIR!!!  I hope yall have a great week, because I know I will since last week is now behind me!!!

Oh and it's snowing again here today!!  We haven't had snow like this in years!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New craft

Good morning everyone!

I have started today so confused I can’t even figure out how I got so thrown off.  I woke my honey up thinking he had work today and he didn’t.  Then I went to pick my nephew up, like I do every other day other than Friday’s and was informed I didn’t keep him on Fridays!  And now my 3 year old is very upset with me because he really wanted his play mate to come over today!  Hopefully by the end of this post I will have my act together………..HA!

Well in other news, I really enjoyed making the Coraline dolls for my friend so I decided I would give it another go and embroider this dolls entire face.  Soooooooooo……. What do you think?

                                        Doll face

I’m not sure that she looks as sweet as I was hoping, but maybe once she has hair and clothes she will look much, MUCH better!!!!!!!

Well, I don’t think this post was long enough for me to get my act together so wish me luck for the rest of the day and until next time…………


Happy Crafting and Scatter brainess!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quilts and more Quilts

Good Morning Everyone! 

I have decided to do a post every once in awhile of a list of quilts and other crafts that I would like to try this year.  Of course some of them I may tweak to suit me better, or some of them may be my own ideas.  But I hope that maybe they help to inspire you like they have me!!
I would love to make at least 1 block of these quilts, just to try it.  By the end of the year I may end up with a whole bunch of pillows or 1 very large quilt with a bunch of different squares Smile.  I guess we shall see.
1. Dexter’s Quilt
2. Dresden Plate
3. Bowtie
4. Sun kissed squares
5. Auntie’s Diamonds

I hope you check those out, they truly are beautiful quilts!!  Now onto something I have waited months to show you!  I made this quilt for my Mother-in-law for Christmas several months ago.
                                            marge quilt top
Her favorite color is purple, can you tell?  The next picture is horrible, I forgot to take a photo of it after it was all quilted, but my honey did manage to take a photo of me and my sis-n-law snuggled up under it.  I cropped us out of it because she might hurt me if I posted her photo on here.
So, what do you think?  Well until next time…………..
Happy Crafting!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Good morning everyone!!
I had the privilege of making Christmas gifts for 2 little girls that are very much into the movie by Tim Burton called Coraline.  If you’ve never seen Coraline you should watch it, I loved it!  I had never seen the movie before, but I wanted to know what I was making so I checked it out. 

In these photos they don’t have their dragon fly hair clips that she wears in the movie, but when I get a chance I will get some updated photos.  These were really fun to make!  There are a few things I would change if I ever made these again, but I think that overall they turned out really well!  What do you think?  So until next time…………

Happy Crafting!!!

Please check out the party tab at the top to see the parties I will be linking to!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

I have missed all of you SO very much!!  I haven’t been so busy that I couldn’t type up any posts, I’ve just been enjoying the break that my oldest has had from school and haven’t wanted to sit down at the computer.

As some of you already know, we live in West Texas and it is usually unusually warm here in December and we actually had a white Christmas this year.  It felt like we were living in a snow globe!!  It snowed all day Christmas eve and we still had plenty of snow on the ground Christmas day!  It was BEAUTIFUL!!!

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We loaded up our kids and our nieces and nephew and headed to the park for a snow ball fight!  My family and I can only think of 1 other time that we had a white Christmas when I was growing up and I was about 7 or 8, so there is no telling how long it will be before my kiddos see another white Christmas. 

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Can you tell my guys had lot’s of fun?

I have resolved that this year I will try to post more often and take better photos for my blog.  I have also resolved to spend more 1 on 1 time with my boys.  I feel like we missed out on that last year and when I think of the missed opportunities to spend that time with them individually it breaks my heart. 

What is your new year resolution?  Did you have a wonderful Christmas?

Well until next time…………

Happy Crafting!!!

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