Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wedding part 3

I am so sorry that I have left yall waiting to see more photos for days now.  I have been so busy making baby shower gifts, it’s been crazy around here!!!  I will be sharing those projects with yall in the next few days, so if you’re interested keep checking back.  But anyway on to what I wanted to share today.


I got dressed and ready for the wedding at my grandmother’s house since that is where my mom and my aunt and her kids were.  Not to mention she has a much bigger house than our tiny apartment and it was so much easier to move around and get things done.   I was a hot mess that morning while we were setting things up, I wore a black Harley Davidson shirt and blue shorts, I didn’t match AT ALL!! 


I practiced for 2 weeks on tying a tie because I had no idea how to do it and the day of the wedding it slipped my mind and for the life of me I couldn’t figure it out.  But after about 10 tries I finally got it down and my Dad looked so handsome!!  He is not a tie person, he wears jeans and t-shirts more often then not so when he offered to wear my favorite tie for the wedding I was so excited!!  Thank you Dad!!!  Doesn’t Justin (my youngest) look so handsome??  My Aunt said she was going to call him Baby Face Cahill.  I love it!!


That is the ring pillow I made and blogged about awhile back.  Do you see those purple flowers up in the top of the photo?  Those are my new favorite flower, they are called wax flowers and they are absolutely beautiful!!  They were my bouquet along with white daisies and my Matron of honors bouquet was the same, but with yellow daisies. 

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My oldest (Landon) sat on the steps and played with rocks while we said our vows, he was so quiet he never made a sound.  My youngest on the other hand did exactly what we thought he would do and made as much noise as he possibly could, but he still did really well considering how long winded the preacher was.  I will be back soon to show you a few more photos, but I’m going to have to go for now because my sewing machine is calling my name.  So until then…………

Happy Crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your Dad looks a little weepy in that picture, if I do dare say that about such a manly man ;)

    All these pictures are wonderful! You are sooo pretty....and both your boys are the epitome of handsome!

    How many more parts do we get to see?! I think I could easily look at 1000's of your pictures!!!
    What a beautiful day :D


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