Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And the winner is..............

I want to start out by saying, this was so much fun and I'm glad I went ahead with my first Giveaway!!  I hope yall enjoyed it as much as I did!!   I plan on do more giveaways in the future so keep checking back.  Now onto the winner...................................

The winner is Sophia who said

"Oh, that sounds like a wonderful giveaway! :) I'm a follower of "Thrifty Crafting"."

Congratulations Sophia, if you will send me an e-mail I will get your shipping info and get it in the mail to you ASAP!!!

Thank you everyone who participated in my first giveaway!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Last day to enter giveaway

Good afternoon everyone!!!

I hope yall had a wonderful easter!!  Our plans for earth day kinda went by the way side due to horrible winds and hot temperatures, but we did manage to do a few things to contribute.  I cleaned my house using scraps of old clothes instead of paper towels, we did get to paint on the back of some of Landon's school work which I have yet to take a photo of.  I also stuck to not turning my computer on for the whole day!!!  What did you do for earth day???

We had a pretty great easter, except for me getting one of my lovely migraines that ruined the day for me.  The boys still had a great time because they got to play outside with all of their cousins and hunt easter eggs and play in the sprinkler.  I will post some photos in the next couple of days.  I still have a bit of a headache today so I just wanted to get on here real quick and say hello and remind yall that today is the last day to enter in the giveaway!!  A winner will be chosen at midnight central time, so if you haven't entered yet go here before it is too late!!!  Goodluck to all of you and I'll post the winner tomorrow morning!! So until next time...........

Happy Crafting!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Earth Day and Good Friday!!!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!

Good Morning Everyone!!  (it's actually only midnight here, but I have a reason for posting this so late and addressing it as a morning post)

I want to start this post out by saying Happy Birthday to a very special woman, My Mother!!!  She is a very special lady and even though we don't get to see her as often as we'd like we can feel her love everyday!!!  So Happy, Happy Birthday Mom!!!  We love you!!  She is also so special because she gets to share her birthday with this very special planet that we live on!!

Now I'm not the greenest person in the world, but I do try to do my part in keeping our beautiful planet in wonderful shape for the future generations.  I try to re purpose everything I can get my hands on, so that does count for something right??? Well anyway,  I have a few things planned to do with my boys today to celebrate earth day so I will not be on here again until tomorrow.  See this is actually one of my contributions, I have a horrible HORRIBLE habit of leaving my computer on all day, so today I am turning the computer off as soon as I post this and I will not be turning it back on.  We are going to spend a lot of time outside today!!  One of our activities consists of planting some flowers and picking up trash at our local parks.  We are also going to use some of the (excessive amount) papers that my son brings home from school to do an art project.  If your child goes to school then you know exactly what I'm talking about!!  It's ridiculous how much paper they use in one day, let alone an entire school year, and the backs of the papers are completely reusable!!!  So what are you doing for earth day???  I will be back tomorrow to share some photos and find out how your earth day was.
So I hope you can all get outside and do something today for earth day, but if you can't here are some photos for you to look at and enjoy (after all what's a post without a photo right.)

 So until next time.............

Happy Birthday Mom, Happy Earth Day and Good Friday!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WOOOHOOO 100 followers!!!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!!

I just had to say YAY 100 followers!!!  So exciting!!!  I had to just drop in and celebrate having 100 followers, that is such an achievement for me and it wouldn't be possible if weren't for all of yall that think there might be something interesting here!!  I have a lot planned in the future so keep checking back I'd hate for yall to miss any of it.  And for everyone that's new here, Welcome and stay awhile!!
So until next time.........

Happy Crafting!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My first giveaway!!!

Givaway is closed!!

Hello Everyone!!!

As I promised, I'm back with some exciting news today!!!  My very first giveaway!!!  Now,  I had so much trouble deciding what to offer for this giveaway so I decided that I would start off with some craft supplies and a surprise that the winner will get to choose!!!!  The part of the giveaway that you can see is a huge bag of scrap fabric, some of the scraps are pretty decent size and the other pieces would be great for making a scrap quilt out of, a baggy full of buttons and a baggy full of ribbon.  I have several surprises that I plan on throwing in for the winner (a few fat quarters of vintage sheets hint hint) and maybe a few other things, you'll just have to win to find out!! 

The rules are as follows: (mandatory)
1. Become a follower of Thrifty crafting via. google

Extra entries for each of the following: (optional)
1. Like Thrifty Crafting on facebook
2. Blog or write about this giveaway on facebook.

Please leave a comment for each entry that you qualify for!!

Please ignore the writing on the bag I try to reuse all the Ziploc's I get as much as possible!!
All pieces of the ribbon are at least 18 inches long.
Some of these buttons are glass and some of them have rhinestones in them.  The giveaway will run for 1 week, ending next Monday.  I will choose a winner Monday night.  Good luck, I know I'm excited!!!  So until next time..........

Happy Crafting!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I was featured.........

On One Pretty Thing!!!  My printables from this post we featured in her Birthday Party Roundup!!!  How exciting!!!  I love it when something I worked hard on meets someone else's approval and they feature it!!  That is always a boost of confidence!!  Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and I will be back Monday with some exciting news!!  So until then........

Happy Crafting!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

I know I said...........

I know I said I would wait until I had 100 followers to do my first giveaway, but I can't wait!!!  So be prepared to see my post about my first giveaway on Monday!!!  Are you excited????  I know I am!!!!!
So until then............

Happy Crafting!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Preparing for a Birthday party (my first free printable’s too!!)

Good morning Everyone!!

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to start working on the boys party decorations.  They are very, VERY into TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles).  Their birthday’s are 1 day apart from each other so this year will be their 3rd birthday party to share together.  And in those 3 years they have never agreed on the same theme, so this year when they both wanted a TMNT party I got so excited!!!  Not only because it was going to be easier to decorate for 1 theme, but because their dad and I both loved the TMNT’s when we were growing up.  I actually had TMNT sheets for my bed!!! 

Now if your kid has ever wanted a TMNT party then you know how hard it is to find anything that isn’t excessively expensive or cheap looking.  I’m not into spending $40 on paper plates, cheap crepe paper streamers and tacky happy birthday banners I’m going to throw away at the end of the day anyway.  So I decided I would just make everything except for the plates and napkins of course. 

It has been a tradition in our house since my oldest son was born almost 5 years ago that I make all of their cakes myself.  Even if they’re not perfect or even resemble what they’re suppose to be, I make them.  I’m not against store bought cakes, but I just feel like that will be a tradition they will remember and cherish when they are older.  I have seen so many cute cup cake toppers and pintable's from around the web and blog land that I thought I would give it a shot myself and see what I could come up with.  I had so much fun!!!!
                     Happy B-day
I found the TMNT photo by doing a google search and then imported into my Corel PSPX3 program as a picture tube so that I could use it any time I wanted to.  Both sets of these are cupcake toppers for their friends and family that come to the party.
COWABUNGA Dude!!!!  I remember that being the coolest saying ever when I was younger (ha ha, I still LOVE it!!)  If you would like to use these please feel free!!!  Just click on them they will open in a new window and then just right click, save and print whenever you’re ready. 
I also made the front of their invitations and the Happy Birthday banner to go along with the rest of the décor.  I’m not done and I’m sure I will come up with plenty of other things to make for this party.
                                                      Envelope front
I used the same image that I found on google for the card.  I was trying to tie it all together as much as possible.  All of the letters on the Happy Birthday banner alternate between Orange, Red, Blue and Purple.
This is just one of the flags for the banner, if you would like for me to send you all of them so that you can use them please leave me a comment and I will send the whole banner to your e-mail.  I think I have found a new hobby!!!  This was a lot of fun.  I actually made photo Christmas cards a few years back and photo name tags for our gifts and that was a lot of fun too.  I can’t for the life of me figure out why I waited so long to do it again.  If you have any trouble printing these or saving them to your computer please let me know and I’ll see if I can resolve the problem.  So until next time…………..

Happy Crafting!!!

Go check out my parties tab at the top of the page and see what parties for Wednesday I will be linking to!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I used a pattern!!!

Good morning Everyone!!

While I was in Austin I learned how to use a pattern.  Yes you read that right, I never knew how to use a pattern until my Mom taught me how.  We chose a simple project for my new nephew who will be here this summer.  Oh and yes I was on a mini vacation and I ended up pulling out my Mom’s sewing machine.  You know you’re a crafter when you go on vacation and sew while you’re gone (ha ha).   Now keep in mind that this was the first time I’ve ever used a pattern and it’s not perfect by any means and it is very wrinkled because it spent the trip home in my carry on bag.  So with out further ado………………………..

  20110412_1                                                             20110412_3

The photo on the left is the front of it and the photo on the right is the back side with the pleats in it.  Now, did I do a good enough job that you can tell what it is?  If not, it’s a diaper stacker.  I wasn’t in love with it, but my Sister-N-Law (soon to be) loves it so I guess that’s all that matters. 

I also wanted to show you what else I made for my nephew.  I didn’t use a pattern for this one, this was just a simple project that didn’t need any instructions. 

20110412_4                                           20110412_5

It’s a taggie toy that makes a crinkle sound when you move it around, it’s only about 7” square so that it can fit in the diaper bag and be taken on road trips.  I plan to make a larger one for him too.  This one was just because I was in the crafty mood and I thought the little remnants of fabric I had were really cute and needed to be used.  You know when you buy a piece of furniture that needs to be assembled and they pack all the screws and hardware in that large plastic that slightly resembles large bubble wrap, well that what I used to make it crinkle.  I have several other projects planned for this little man that will be baby shower gifts and as I get them made I will keep you updated!!  So until next time………………….


Happy Crafting!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Propper introductuon

It was pointed out to me that I have never posted a photo of myself on my own blog!!  I actually said not true, then I was reading over my posts and it SO true!!  I have never posted a photo of me on this blog.  Now I don't know if anyone else is like me and likes to see the face behind the blog, but if you are I am so sorry i have failed to do that.  So here it goes...................

Hello Everyone!!  It is very nice to meet you!!!  Anyways, that's all I had to say for now I just figured I should drop in and put a face to the blog!!!

So until next time............

Happy Crafting!!!

Some exciting news!!!

Good morning everyone!!!

Did you miss me??  No, well I sure missed yall!!  I must say though I really did enjoy my little mini vacation!! 

Canton was a lot of fun, but it's not really for me.  (Crazy huh?!!)  No really, it is HUGE insanely HUGE!!!  We were there for 5 hours and didn't even manage to see half of it!!  I was so tired by the time we left.  You would have to spend all weekend and then come back the next month to even make it through half of it I think.  My feet were killing me.  I did see a lot of great things and there are plenty of crafty people that have booths there!!!  It was great inspiration, but needless to say I didn't get many photos because most people didn't allow you to take photos in their booths.  I wasn't trying to steal their ideas I just wanted to show my honey and all of yall what you missed out on.  I think everyone should go at least once just for the experience.   My Mom is a tiny person and she was very hard to locate in the crowd!!  Thank goodness for cell phones!!!  But enough babbling onto my exciting news...................  Are you ready?!!???

I've decided to do my first giveaway here on my blog when I reach 100 followers!!  Yep that's right 100!!  Only 11 more followers and I will do a giveaway.

What is going to be given away you ask...............  I'm working on that as we speak, when I have it completed I will share it with yall so you will be as anxious as I am.  If you have any suggestions or something you've seen on my blog that you would JUST die for let me know and I will take it into very careful consideration!!!  I've even thought about giving some options to the winner and choosing more than 1 winner.  What do yall think about that?????

So while I'm working on that, I thought I would share a few more photos with yall just for fun. ............

Can you imagine walking through all those flowers?  It was so beautiful, it was breath taking!!

I know I showed you this photo last night, but I wanted to show you the before and then show you what I did with my new program..................

Turned it into a painting, isn't it beautiful???  I'm going to order it on a canvas for someone as a gift!!  I'm so excited she is going to LOVE it!!!

Ok, and last, but definitely not least I had to show off 2 very handsome little boys looking quite debonair if I do say so myself!!

See my little charmer, Isn't he the handsomest thing???  Watch out ladies, he is a gentleman!!!

That's pure attitude peaking over the top of those shades!!  Only he could pull of those shades and bare feet in a suit and tie!!!

So until next time.....................

Happy Crafting!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm back

Hello Everyone!!!

I'm home from Austin and Canton and I had a WONDERFUL time with my Mom!!!  We got alot of shopping done for the wedding and finished alot of projects that needed to be finished.  It was really nice to spend some time alone with my Mom, very needed!!!  I just thought I would drop in this evening and share some great photos with yall, but I'll be back tomorrow with some other stuff.  So enjoy the photos and I'll see ya tomorrow!!!

I could sit on any bench in Zilker parks Botanical gardens and look at all those beautiful flowers all day long!!!  Pansies are my favorite and there were flower beds full of them all over the place.  I was in HEAVEN!!!

So until next time...............

Happy Crafting, gazing and relaxing!!!

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