Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Show and tell and I need your help!

Hello Everyone!!

I hope everything in your neck of blogland is going well! I have been so BUSY, like busier that I thought I would be! 

I have been sewing my booty off over here!!  I haven’t been able to share very much of what I’ve been making for several reasons.  Some of what I’ve been working on has been Christmas presents and the others are Thank you gifts and well I don’t want to spoil the surprise.  I do need your help finding just the right fabric cleaner for older fabric though to get those yellow stains out of it.  I’ve heard there is such a cleaner, but I have no idea what it is or where to find it at.  So if you have any ideas please let me know.


Now onto what I can show you, I mentioned awhile back that that I had a new nephew!  So exciting I know, but anyway back to what I was saying.  I was suppose to have a quilt for him made before he was born and well Aunt Alley kind of fell off and didn’t get it done.  So this morning I got the quilt top all pieced together and the border put on and now it is ready to be basted, quilted and the binding put on.  This particular quilt pattern is called a wonky strings, it was so much fun to make!! 

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So opinions please, and any opinions on how I should quilt it?  I actually really like it’s craziness and I definitely think it will keep Mr. Man comfy and warm!  So until next time……..


Happy Crafting!!!


  1. I love it!

    If I were you, I think I'd just quilt it "in the ditch."

    If you think that's a little more work than you wanted, the ever-popular meandering would get the job done faster and still be adorable.

  2. I've never attempted a quilt...I'm still shuffling my feet on some pillows and a valance......

    I think it looks great! He'll be the hippest baby ever :D

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