Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Spring Break

Hello Everyone!!!

As I promised in my last post, I'm going to share some of the details from our tea party along with a few other fun things we did on spring break. 

All the kids went back to school yesterday after a week off, so it was a pretty busy day around here yesterday.  My youngest son Justin and I stayed around the house and cleaned all day while Landon went to school.  Well I did make a few things for their birthdays that are coming up in June.  Ok enough rambling.......

We had our tea party on St. Patty's day, so we all had on green.  It was a fun day we had gone to the sand hill's the day before so the kids were very excited because they didn't know where they were going all they knew was it was going to be fun. 

Our tea party was kinda like brunch so we had finger sandwiches, spinach artichoke bread bowls, crackers that were shaped like Texas, cubed cheese, baby pickles, pretzels with creme cheese filling and wafer cookies.  We made cherry cool aide with sprite so it would be fizzy for the kids.  I was in charge of the decorations, because of all my thrift store shopping :)  I made a ribbon bunting to hang from the tree and used one of my vintage sheets as our table cloth.  It wasn't overly decorated because it was a bit breezy outside and I didn't want everything to blow away. 

Let me just say those spinach artichoke bread bowls were DELICIOUS!!!!  And what is a party in Texas without Texas shaped crackers!!!  The girls wore their pillow case dresses and crowns I made. 

My nieces and nephew were given their hooded bath towels I made awhile back, you can go here for the tutorial.  They were such a big hit that my niece Samantha didn't want to take hers off, she wanted to wear it while she was swinging on the swings.  After we had our tea party the kids were free to run and play all they wanted.  They spent most of their time on the swings pushing each other.

Justin was so excited that bubba was pushing him, every time Landon pushed him, he giggled and giggled.

Now I want to show yall 2 of my favorite pictures from our spring break fun.  Actually I just showed you one of my favorites (the one of Landon pushing Justin) but these other two are great!!  The first one is of Landon and Samantha sitting on a park bench with each other while everyone else was off swinging and playing, the other one was taken when we went to the sand hills of Justin's booty covered in dirt.  I laughed so hard when he stood in front of me and I noticed all the sand on his shorts.

Isn't this just the sweetest photo, they are only a couple months apart in age.  She was born April 26th and he was born June 17th so they have been close since they were babies.

Now, if that doesn't make you giggle or at least put a smile on your face, I don't know what will.  I hope yall had a great spring break, or have a great spring break.  I know we did!!!  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Looks like so much fun! Those bread bowls look amazing!!!

  2. Allison!!! I just love the TEXAS shaped crackers!!! Where oh where did you get those??? I want, want, want some!!!
    I haven't been to the sandhills in forever. Looks like so much fun! Love the decorations and YUMMO on the spinach artichoke bread bowls!!!
    Jealous in Abilene!

  3. Ginger,

    Those crackers are great aren't they? We got them at HEB I believe. The sandhills are so much fun. I love living here we only have to drive 3 miles and we're right there. It's nice to see that someone so close to us reads my blog!!! I hope you have a great week!!
