Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crafty Overload!!

Good morning!!!

I swear I'm on craft overload!!  With the wedding only 2 months away and the boys birthdays only 3 months away (their birthday's are the 17th and 18th of June) I have so many things to do!!!  I've been bouncing back and forth from my sewing machine to my desk where my modpodge is all set up waiting on me to use it. 

I even went thrifting last week and never got around to posting my finds!!  I'm going to my Mom's on the 31st so I'll be getting a break for a few days and I think it is overdue!!  She's going to take me to the Canton Trade days and I couldn't be more excited!!!  I've always wanted to go, but have never been able to afford the trip because it's so far from here, but my mom is only about an hour away so this is my chance!!!  I wanted to show you a few things I've been working on, keep in mind most of them are not finished and some are a rough draft of the finished project.  I have a tendency to try something before I decide if I want to actually continue on with it first, so I can see if I need to make any changes or if I even like it.  These are the things I have been working on for the boys birthdays............

First off, I followed this tutorial for the car caddy.  I was blog hoping one evening and my oldest son was sitting on my lap when I came across this tutorial and he got so excited I knew I had to bookmark it and come back to it later and give it a shot!!  Now let me explain something about my trial run, I learned a couple of things from it.
1.  How to sew on piping, this was my first time to use piping.  It was also my first time using my zipper foot for my machine!!
2.  I thought I should use interfacing on the turquoise corduroy since it wasn't as stiff as I thought it should be, but I was SOOOOOOOOO  very wrong since I used denim for the pockets!!!  It was so bulky that it was almost impossible to turn right side out!!!!

Now, I did purposely make the applique look a little sloppy since it is for a little boy.  On my second go around (which is not finished yet), the only thing I did was not use craft felt for the road so that I can wash it and I starched the material instead of using any type of stabilizer!!  Much, much better I must say!!!

This one is not finished either.  The explanation behind this one is, my Son's love fishing!!!  Every fishing toy I have bought them has broke within an hour of bringing it home and I'm so tired of waisting money on those cheap toys!!  I saw where someone had made something similar awhile back (can't remember where though) and it inspired me to make one for my boys.  I still have to make the pole for it and maybe a few more fish.  These are made of felt and have heavy duty magnets in their noses so that the boys can catch them with another magnet that will be attached to the pole somehow.
Do you remember this fishy sheet from this post????  I knew I would have plenty to make a quilt and a few other things :)  It worked perfectly for this project!!

This is the cape that I made for my oldest son.  I didn't follow any tutorials for this one, although I've seen them everywhere, it was so simple to make!!  My honey is a die hard Cleveland Browns fan and I'm a die hard Packers fan and seeing as how my team won the super bowl :)  I let him choose the colors for Landon's cape and these are the colors he chose!!  It was really plain with just the L appliqued on it so I used my sewing machine and added some of the decorative stitches around the edges.  Perfect, quick and simple gift for my little super hero!!!

Now let me show you what I need to get done for the wedding!!!

Those 2 fedora's need new hat bands so that they match what the boys will be wearing in the wedding and those 2 suspenders need to be made shorter so that they will fit the boys!!!  All 4 of those things only cost me $3 because the fedora's came from Burlington coat factory and were only $1 a piece and the suspenders were $.50 a piece at the thrift store!!!

I am working on making 2 of these ties smaller to fit my little guys and using the excess that I take off of them to make the hat bands for the fedora's.  All of the other projects I haven't managed to take photos of, but I will make sure that when I finally get around to it I'll share those with yall too!!!  So what have you been up to???  Until next time..........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Oh boy, are holding yourself together extremely well considering all that!!!! I'd be putting blogging low on the list with that much to do :)

    Things look like they're going great...and coming together nicely! My offer still stands!!!
    Just ask ;P

  2. Wow! Good luck with everything!!!
