Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

I hope yall are having a great St. Patty's day!!!  I also hope you've avoided people in the pinching mood if you're not wearing green.  We had our tea party for my nieces this morning and it turned out so great and they had so much fun!!  I plan on sharing the details and photos with you probably tomorrow or the beginning of next week.  In the mean time I wanted to show you the other pillow case dresses I managed to get done.  These didn't get modeled like the first one did, but they did try them on and wear them for quite awhile!!

I actually sewed my first pocket and attached my first elastic to a pocket with this first one!!  I was so proud of myself, I didn't even follow any tutorials I just did some thinking before I started.  Actually after I cute the arm holes out in the pillow cases, I noticed that the material I had just cut off of the pill case was shaped like a pocket and that's what started the whole thing :)

The pocket is not perfect, but not bad for my first attempt I don't think.  What do you think, any suggestions?

Landon actually picked out the pocket for this one, he said it needed to be green, so green it is.  These 2 are shorter than the first one in the previous post.  I think the pocket turned out better in this one.

This is the only dress I've made so far for my older niece, I needed her to try it on first to make sure it would fit her before I could make more.  I love, LOVE, love this material!!!  Aren't they pretty?  And they are so pretty and easy to make.  4 down and a million more to go before I have reduced the amount of pillow cases I have!!!

Well I hope yall have a great rest of your day!!!!  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. I'm eyeing those adorable dresses. That fabric is awesome. I love the vintage look on these!
    Great job! Don't forget to link up over at Thrifty THursdays for your thrifty finds!

  2. Adorable! You are whipping out super quick!

  3. Have you seen the blog ? They are sending these dresses all over the world. I just love your dresses. The pockets are great! You are one talented, speedy sewer!

  4. Thank you so much ladies!!!

    No, I had never been to that blog, but thank you so much for pointing me in their direction!!! These are sew easy (yes I spelt it that way on purpose :) )

  5. Too cute! You will be putting these in your shop, right?! You gotta!!

  6. Allison these are adorable... I am so glad you want to help with the Dress a Girl Around the World project!!

  7. ALLISON! YOU are AWESOME!!!! These are super cute...i have a little niece and this would be perfect for when she gets older :)

    Xoxo Andrea
