Thursday, September 23, 2010

5 questions for my blog Part 2

Ok the other day I blogged about a swap I'm part of on Swap-bot that is for bloggers where you have 2 partners and you send 5 questions to each partner that they answer on their blog.  If you missed the first 5 questions from my first partner you can read the here.  These questions are my second set from my partner Faiza.  These are some pretty tough questions so I spent most of the time that my oldest was at school and my youngest was taking a nap figuring out my answers.  I hope you enjoy reading my answers as much as I enjoyed putting them together.

1.You have eleven tattoss so far. What might #12 be and why? 
Hmmm....  This is a tough question I think my next tattoo will be after my wedding because I want to add the date to the piece on my back that says Always & Forever.

2.I know you love photogrpahy. Can you show your favourite picture that you have taken and tell us why it is your favourite?
I can show you a few photos, I'm not really certain which ones are my favorite, but I love landscape photography and any photos of my boys!!  These are just a few that I still had on my computer, if I really went digging then I'm sure I could do several posts of nothing but photos.  I hope you enjoy these that I've chosen.

3.koRn is you favourite band. What is your favourtie lyric of theirs from one of their songs?
Yes KoRn is my favorite band and has been for more than 10 years!!!  I'd have to say these are on of my favorite lyrics from one of their songs......

Come on, step inside, and you will realize.

Tell me what you need, tell me what to be.
What's your vision?
You'll see, what do you expect of me?
I cant live that lie.

4.Show us what you feel is your best drawing and tell us what you like about it.
I don't really have a favorite drawing because I criticize everything I do even my photos and my crafts.  These are a few of my drawings that I've done recently... (Just to clarify I never claimed to be good at drawing)
I hope you can see them well enough to see what they are.
5.You have two beautiful children. What do you wish they knew about you that they maybe don't see you because you are their mom?
I think that I just want them to know that no matter how firm I have to be with them sometimes I always no matter what am proud of them and love them with all of my heart!!!

Thank you for asking these great questions and I hope ya'll enjoy reading my answers just as much as I enjoyed answering them.

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. i would like to claim here and now that you are definitely gifted at drawing and photography! thanks for taking the time with all the questions, your boys are so lucky to have you as their mom!

  2. Faiza,
    Thank you so much for the great compliments and the great questions!!! I hope my boys feel the same way when they are older. Have a great day!!!

  3. Wow, those photographs are really stunning! I love how there is so much texture and depth captured in your photos. You are such an awesome photographer :D

    Looking forward to seeing more (:

    Mag x
    Blogger Followers Swap

  4. hi, its Glendas from swap bot and i love your blog and am really happy to follow what you are up too,.thanks.,love from Glenda
