Thursday, September 23, 2010

I got an award!!!

Hell everyone,

 I have several things that I have to post today so I'm going to be breaking it up into several posts throughout the day.  This first post is because I recieved an award from a fellow blogger.  I'm so excited that I got an award, it may not be a big deal to other people but considering I started this blog not that long ago and already have several followers (mostly because of swap-bot) it is a very big deal to me.

Thank you Hayley from Hanging off the wire!!!  I am honored that someone else likes my blog enough to give me an award like this!!!

There are a few rules that go along with recieving this award...........

1. Accept the award.  Post the name of the person that presented you with the award along with a link to their blog on your blog.

2. Present the award to 15 other blogs that you recently discovered.

3. Contact the bloggers that you presented the award to letting them know that they have been chosen.

These are the 15 blogs I have discovered that I love and present this award to....

6. Toad's Treasures
7. Make it and love it
8. ikat bag
9. Ucreate
10. HoneyBear Lane
11. Until Wednesday Calls
12. retro mama
13. Amanda Makes
14. Polka Dot Pineapple
15. Poppy Lane

These blogs aren't listed in any particular order I love them all and ya'll should check them out!!!
I'll be back later this afternoon with alot more stuff!!

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. You're welcome! :) I will check out each of those blogs!

  2. That's pretty awesome! Congratulations on your award :)

    A few of those blogs look like a lot of fun - I will spend some time checking them out tomorrow.


    (aka Amandalee on swap-bot)
