Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thrifty Thursday plus a little more

isn't it pretty?

Ok, Ok this is my last post for the day I swear.  Well like I said before I love the thrift store and I usually go to our local thrift store on Thursdays.  Today I got several great things for only $11 a beautiful yellow dress with embroidery print in orange and brown around the bottom that I plan to turn into a skirt becuase I'm a little too busty for the top of it (if you get my drift).  I also got a large bag of lace that equals all together about 20 yards, a blue t-shirt that is way to small for me that I'm going to be using in another project, 2 medium rolls of felt one is an off white color and the other is white.  I scored big time!!!

Ok now onto the next thing I want to share with ya'll today.  I was inspired by this and by the fact that next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I had a pink t-shirt that I never wear because I'm not a pink fan (come on now I have 2 boys and a fiance so it's all about the blue's, red's and greens)  and I have plenty of zippers, lace and buttons so this is what I came up with.  For not liking pink or shiny stuff I must say it is beautiful!!!
I am not a model so please excuse my scrawny neck in the first picture.

I hope ya'll have a great evening and enjoy all the posts from today!!

Happy Crafting!!!

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