Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ok before I post any photos yall should know that my camera and me are not very good friends today. 

I want to start off by showing you the outfit that I made for Bella.  It's made out of one of my oldest sons shirts and an old apron that belonged to my grandmother.

<-- She looks like she's trying to hug the camera (haha)

This is a better photo of the whole dress, she has several outfits, but she and all of her accessories are already packed and waiting patiently for christmas >

Ok now onto more crafty things.....  I mentioned in my 5 questions post that one of my favorite crafts that I've made was a purse I made recently for a family member, but I wasn't sure I should post it because I didn't want the person I made it for to see it before Christmas.  Well...... I did alot of thinking over the weekend and alot of my family and friends like the color purple and have asked me for a bag so I figured after all it would be fine if I posted it on here.  So here ya go........

< Ok, this is the photo of the bag and the eye glass case (bad photo I know)

This is the photo of the liner of the bag.  I'm  not a big purple fan, but I LOVE this print and the colors are so beautiful!!

This is the close up of the eye glass case.  I'm thinking about actually making this my first tutorial because it's simple and there is hardly any sewing needed.  It's my own project and my own pattern, but before I make the tutorial I need to work a few bugs out first.

Now this is something I've been wanting to share for awhile, but I was waiting til I got them all together and cut apart so that ya'll could see how pretty they were.  We all get junk mail, hospital bills and other bills of course, If you've ever paid attention to the inside of those envelopes then you know that some of them are beautiful on the inside and have different prints in different colors.  I've been saving them for awhile and I've had a few friends and family members saving them for me as well.  I'm going to be using them for several different things including decorations for our up and comming nuptuals.

See aren't they so pretty, the possibilities are endless.  I will be sure to share some of the things I do with them as I go!!

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Insides of envelopes! Huh. Who would of thought? Very cool!

    I gave your blog an award on my blog. Go check it out!

  2. I love the insides of business envelopes as well. I had a whole collection of those, but don't know what to do with them =/
