Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

I have missed all of you SO very much!!  I haven’t been so busy that I couldn’t type up any posts, I’ve just been enjoying the break that my oldest has had from school and haven’t wanted to sit down at the computer.

As some of you already know, we live in West Texas and it is usually unusually warm here in December and we actually had a white Christmas this year.  It felt like we were living in a snow globe!!  It snowed all day Christmas eve and we still had plenty of snow on the ground Christmas day!  It was BEAUTIFUL!!!

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We loaded up our kids and our nieces and nephew and headed to the park for a snow ball fight!  My family and I can only think of 1 other time that we had a white Christmas when I was growing up and I was about 7 or 8, so there is no telling how long it will be before my kiddos see another white Christmas. 

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Can you tell my guys had lot’s of fun?

I have resolved that this year I will try to post more often and take better photos for my blog.  I have also resolved to spend more 1 on 1 time with my boys.  I feel like we missed out on that last year and when I think of the missed opportunities to spend that time with them individually it breaks my heart. 

What is your new year resolution?  Did you have a wonderful Christmas?

Well until next time…………

Happy Crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. Missed you too! What an amazing white Christmas! So glad you had a wonderful Holiday :)

    I look forward to all your resolutions and dreams coming true...I certainly won't complain about hearing more from you and seeing fantastic photos of your Life...haha! ;P

    Happy New Year, Sweetie!!


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