Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quilts and more Quilts

Good Morning Everyone! 

I have decided to do a post every once in awhile of a list of quilts and other crafts that I would like to try this year.  Of course some of them I may tweak to suit me better, or some of them may be my own ideas.  But I hope that maybe they help to inspire you like they have me!!
I would love to make at least 1 block of these quilts, just to try it.  By the end of the year I may end up with a whole bunch of pillows or 1 very large quilt with a bunch of different squares Smile.  I guess we shall see.
1. Dexter’s Quilt
2. Dresden Plate
3. Bowtie
4. Sun kissed squares
5. Auntie’s Diamonds

I hope you check those out, they truly are beautiful quilts!!  Now onto something I have waited months to show you!  I made this quilt for my Mother-in-law for Christmas several months ago.
                                            marge quilt top
Her favorite color is purple, can you tell?  The next picture is horrible, I forgot to take a photo of it after it was all quilted, but my honey did manage to take a photo of me and my sis-n-law snuggled up under it.  I cropped us out of it because she might hurt me if I posted her photo on here.
So, what do you think?  Well until next time…………..
Happy Crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty quilt! I love the lime green in with the purple....gives it a lively punch of contrast :)

    So glad to be seeing more of you around here!


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