Monday, May 2, 2011

So much to share

Good afternoon everyone!!

We had such a busy weekend around here that I have several things to share with yall!!

  But first and foremost, today is my cousin's 28th birthday!!  Happy Birthday J, I wish you were still here so we could all celebrate with you, but I know that you are looking down on us from above and I know you can feel the love that we all have for you!!!  We miss you with all of our hearts and can't wait to see you again!!

Ok now onto a few things that aren't so sad today.  My oldest son played his first t-ball game on Saturday and it was so much fun to go and watch him play!!  They did so great!!

There was a point when he was playing third baseman and he was getting not action so he sat down and starting pulling up grass, it was so funny watching all the funny things kids do at this age.

Ok, now onto the other things that filled my weekend.  On Sunday my Aunt came over and we made hair bows for her t-ball team because she's a coach of an all girls t-ball team named the ladybugs and they have their first game this evening.  We had so much fun making the hair bows.  We found a tutorial on line that we followed, so if I can find it again I will definitely link back to it.

                                            The ladybugs have landed!!  Aren't they cute?!?
We also made these bows for them as well.  I think the plan is for the girls to wear the ladybugs on their visors and these bows in their hair.
Can you tell what color the team is?  We just loved these bows and they were a learning experience.  When we were done with these we just started messing around with some of the left over ribbon and this is the bow I came up with for one of my other nieces that lives about 20 miles away be cause the ribbon mathced her school colors.
Oh and she loved it by the way, I couldn't have been happier!!!  Ok, now onto the other project I've been working on.  My oldest son and my niece are in the same grade in school (pre-k) and they are going to be performing in their first program on Thursday for Cinco De Mayo.  They have to have a certain costume for the play that first in with the theme, so I did some research using google to try and find a simple dress I could make for my niece and this is what I came up with.
It was a very quick project.  I used one of the boys old t-shirts that had a stain on it and a piece of a dress that I bought at the thrift store quite awhile back and a piece of orange material from my stash to make the sash.  I also made a big flower for her to wear with from a piece of the dress and some felt.
So what do yall think?  Does it look like it will go along with holiday?  I sure hope so because she has to have it at school in the morning.  How busy was your weekend??  What did you do??  So until next time.............

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. oooh my!! I love those clips!! cute little lady bugs

  2. Love the ladybug hair clips!! adorable!! I was busy with sewing dresses for Dress A Girl... we had a sewing event at my house and made over 20 dresses!!!

  3. Those clippies are cute as a bug :)

    That dress is adorable....and it looks so comfortable! I love it when girls can wear pretty things, but not be itchy or starchy or too ruffly :) Perfection!

  4. Oh, I forgot to tell you that my daughter's birthday is on Saturday....and *drumroll please* I actually made her a skirt! Elastic and everything! 1st proud! Can't wait to show it off when I post pics of the party later :)

    Okay...I'll go now....just knew you'd be proud of me!
