Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And the winner is..............

I want to start out by saying, this was so much fun and I'm glad I went ahead with my first Giveaway!!  I hope yall enjoyed it as much as I did!!   I plan on do more giveaways in the future so keep checking back.  Now onto the winner...................................

The winner is Sophia who said

"Oh, that sounds like a wonderful giveaway! :) I'm a follower of "Thrifty Crafting"."

Congratulations Sophia, if you will send me an e-mail I will get your shipping info and get it in the mail to you ASAP!!!

Thank you everyone who participated in my first giveaway!!!!


  1. Congrats to the winner!!

    Big Day's coming...*squeal*!!!

  2. Ooo, is that me?! I never seem to win anything. :)

    Sorry it took so long to respond - we're on vacation right now and just got WiFi. I'll send you my address.
