Monday, March 14, 2011

Wedding Update

Good morning everyone!!!  I hope y'all are enjoying your coffee this morning!!  Now as I promised I have something to share with y'all today and I need your opinions please.

Let me start out by painting a picture for you.........

Our wedding will take place at a historical place here in our town called the million barrel museum.  There is an old house there, that is very beautiful!!!  We will have the wedding right outside of the house here is a photo I found of it on the web, it's not the best, but you can see how pretty it is.
You can follow this link to get more info and see some photos of the inside of the house, We will be taking some photos inside before the wedding.
Ok now onto painting the rest of the picture........
All the men including my 2 boys will be wearing dress pants (I'm not sure what they are actually called for men) that are styled like the one's men wore in the 50's, suspenders, white button up shirts and ties.  The girls which are my very best friend and one of my beautiful nieces, will be wearing these dresses.

This is my dress, it is not a traditional wedding dress, but it is very much me!! 
This is my matron of honor's dress.  It is the exact same as mine just in lite blue.

This will be nieces dress, isn't it cute?  I think she is going to look adorable in it!!  You should really go here and check out all of their beautiful dresses (these are their photos)!!  Ok so far what do you think?  I guess I should tell you what our colors are shouldn't I?  Ivory, Lite blue, dark blue and black.  The theme which I'm sure you've figured out by now, is the 50's.  It will be very pin-up, kinda in away.  I have several tattoos and my honey has a few so it kind of fits the theme.  The only things that are actually being bought brand new are the dresses that I showed you above, everything else will be coming from our local thrift store, goodwill and a few garage sales.  We have a budget of $1,000 and after I've paid all of the deposits and bought the dresses we will have nearly $600 left :)  I am so excited!!! 

Now onto the reception..........  It will be indoors because our weather here changes every 5 minutes, I don't want to take any chances that things will be blown away.  Our family's are pitching in to cook the meal (big money saver).  The tables will have thrifted white sheets as table cloths with burlap running down the center, decorated with thrift store milk glass vases and mason jars with fresh flowers in them that we can buy at our local grocery store.  We will have one table dedicated to photos of us when we were smaller all the way up until recently with our children.  At the end of the same table where everyone will come in at there will be a white and rust colored bird cage that I bought for $3 at a local garage sale (will show you photos of this in a later post) this will be for the guests to put personal notes in.  Our wedding cake will be made by my grandmother, she is the BEST baker I know and her cakes are the pretties I have ever seen.  I cannot for the life of me remember where I found this photo at so if you know where it came from or it belongs to you please let me know so that I can link back to it.
Isn't it beautiful??  I love it because it is so simple and fits perfectly with the rustic vintage theme we are going with.  I'm sure I have left out a lot of details because I have so much racing through my mind that I want to tell and show y'all.  I'm sure after I go back and read this after I've posted it, it will dawn on me what I've forgotten.   But I do have one more thing that I want to show you and ask your opinion on, now be honest because I'm not sure if I love them or if I just like them, or if I should do something different to them like add some twine around them or use tulle on the inside of them......

These are paper cones I made out of an old torn up book that I found at a thrift store.  They are for tossing birdseed after the reception when we leave.  They will be sitting in an old suitcase by the door for everyone to grab on their way out.  So what do y'all think?  Do they need something or should I leave them just like they are?  What do you think about everything else so far?  Thank you for all of your opinions and I can't wait to share more details!!!  So until next time............

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Sounds like everything is coming together. :) I love the paper cones. I had something similar at my wedding. We had a small circle tag hand from the outside with our monogram on it. :)

  2. I'm loving this, Allison....I adore making party plans and adding special touches to things :)

    I'd love to see what you're doing for favors! Will you just have flowers in your hair or a veil, too? Are you incorporating the book pages into anything else like matting some of your photos in them or table numbers, etc.?

    Anyways, I could go on forever...haha!
    But as far as the cones go....maybe a simple blue button glued to the outside or blue ribbon handles? Or maybe blue crepe paper ruffles glued around the edge? I agree with you in needs something else...but, since these aren't the favors, you may not want to spend too much time on them, too :) Maybe the buttons then?

    Okay, I'll check back later to see more...and probably give you a much too long opinion :D

  3. Erin, Things are comeing together really good, I'm starting to get so nervous though (ha ha)

    Cameron, I love the button idea on the cones. You know what's horrible I hadn't even thought about favors. Now I'm freaking because I don't know what to do. Any ideas??? I will have more than 3/4 of the book left when I'm done with the cones so I guess I need to think of a few other things to use them for. Thank you so much for your opinion and tips!!

  4. I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for you to freak out!! Haha!

    What about making little envelopes out of the pages and putting flower seeds in them?

    Or, let's see....what about tulle circles filled with some sort of candy or nuts wrapped with blue ribbon with tags punched from the book pages with maybe a simple heart either quickly drawn on or stamped on (could be your initials, too...but I thought a heart would be faster and just as cute! Y'know, for my SIL Wedding shower, I wrapped up 1 each of a hershey kiss, a hershey hug and a dove promise...a relationship starts with a hug, deepens with a kiss and grows stronger with a promise :)

    Anyways...I'm so excited for you....and if I sat down for a bit, could probably come up with way more complicated and unneccessary ideas than you would need...haha! I would love to help though!

    I would happily make some tags for you or send you all my blue buttons or assemble paperback envies...just let me know if I can be of assistance!

