Friday, March 11, 2011

So Exciting!!!

Guess what, guess what!!! 

I have been asked to host a giveaway over at Kitty's blog  A Law Student's Journey!!  This is the very first time I have been asked to do anything like this and I couldn't be more excited!!!  This is Kitty!!

She contacted me through that wonderful craft trading site I told you about (whoopdwhoop).  There are a lot of wonderful people on there and she has decided to shine the spotlight on a few of them and I get to be one of those lucky people and I am so thrilled!!!  You should really head over and check out her really cute blog and enter in the giveaway!!  And while you're there you should really take a look around because she has some great ideas and wonderful tutorials!!!

Just click on the button below and it will take you to whoopdwhoop so you can take a look around and open up an account if you're interested!!!  You won't be disappointed!!