Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Project

Happy Thursday yall!!!

I am happy to report, my oldest son is doing MUCH better today thank you everyone for the well wishes!!!  He is finally going to get to go to school, we are going to have so much homework over the weekend!!  I love Mucinex, after just one dose his cough started to sound better and he started to perk up and act more like his normal self.  YAY for healthier babies, we're not out of the snotty nosed woods yet, but we are much closer!!!

Now onto what I wanted to share with yall today.  A few posts back I had mentioned that I was working on a few wedding projects and I hadn't gotten around to posting them until now.  This is just one of the few projects that I have finished, but I think this one is one of my favorites!!!  We are having a vintage style wedding in May, so burlap and hankies fits right in with our theme.  This is the ring bearer pillow that my youngest son will be escorting down the aisle.

I freezer paper stenciled our initials on with permanent marker
This hankie belonged to my grandmother and it matches the colors of our wedding perfectly!!
The rings are tied on by twine.  These aren't our wedding rings I took them off so you could see how they will go on the pillow.  What do yall think?
This is a side view of the pillow so you can see how it looks with the hanky on the bottom of the burlap
Just one more quick photo of the top of the pillow, I love how our initials look and the rings tied on by the twine!!  Very vintage and kind of ruggid right?  Make sure to come back later this afternoon when I post my Thrifty Thursday post I'm fixing to get busy taking my photos, I am so excited about that post!!!  See you in a bit!!

I linked this to


  1. I love the rustic look of the pillow! Glad to hear your son is feeling better!

  2. This is adorable! My ring bearer used a burlap pillow as well!


  3. I'm also using burlap in my wedding....and have been trying to come up with a cool ring bearer pillow!.. This is awesome!!!!! thanks so much for this..i know have a better ideas of what i want to do ! :)

    XOXO Andrea
