Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I love to swap!!!

I hope yall are all having a wonderful Wednesday morning!! 

It started getting really windy and down right nasty here last night and I haven't opened my blinds or been outside yet this morning so I'm not sure how horrible it is out there.  My oldest son has had the strangest illness for 3 days now, he has ran a fever in the evenings and complained of a headache throughout the day.  He was born with a rare birth defect that causes several problems with his right eye which has lead to 7 eye surgeries and when he starts to get these mysterious headaches things around here come to a screeching halt.  It seems though that he's just having Mommy's lovely headaches (thank you so much Mr. Migraine for hooking your claws into my poor baby).  Poor thing has missed 2 full days of school and today will make his third.  His Valentine party is on Friday so I'm hoping he feels better by then because it would be so sad for him to miss it.   My youngest son has had a snotty nose and a cough for several days and it seems he's not getting much better either.  Poor baby has thrown up a few times due to the congestion this has all caused.  It seems that I can't do enough disinfecting to get rid of all these horrible viruses. Don't you just love this time of year?  So while my 2 miserable little monkeys are still asleep I am sitting here enjoying my cup of coffee and the click, click clicking of the keyboard.

So now onto things that are less drap and more fun!! 
As some of you may already know, I love swapping my crafts and craft supplies!!  I've been swapping at swap-bot for some time now and never even thought to look for other places like it.

Well that all changed yesterday afternoon. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine on facebook that there is a new place to swap your crafts.  It's called whoopdwhoop.  It's awesome (bringing back the 90's one word at a time)!!!  I started loading crafts on there as quickly as I could so I could get started.  I've been contemplating opening up an etsy shop so I was thinking that I could try this out first and see if people were interested in my crafts enough to want them and go from there.  It's fairly new so I'm sure as the number of members grows so will the amount of swap items.  You should really go check it out and open up an account, it's free to anyone who wants to swap.  Here is the link if you check it out let me know what you think, we'll see if you love it as much as I do.

I was not asked by whoopdwhoop to advertise for them, I just really thought some of you might enjoy it as much as I have in the short amount of time that I've been a member. 

If you're ever interested in doing a private swap with me, my info is up in the contact tab at the top of the page just contact me.  We'll see what we can do!!

Now just so yall can have something pretty and inspiring to look at today (I know I need a moment like this considering the day I will soon be facing)................

(Source) I REALLY want to make this quilt 
I am a Dr. Pepper FREAK!!! (If this is your photo please let me know so I can link it back to you)
This one is because my keyboard and I have become the best of friends.  I have loved to type since I took my first typing class in 7th grade (14 years ago, WOW that made me feel old). 

(Source)  I love this card isn't it cool? (another flashback from the 90's)
Well I guess that's going to be it for me this morning.  I hope the weather is nice where you are and you have no little sick ones to tend to!!!  Until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. So fun! Good luck today. I hope your son feels better.

  2. I am also a Dr. Pepper freak. Though i drink the diet stuff. The other day they said on the news that a Dr. Pepper storage warehouse in Texas burnt down! I hope there is not a shortage on Dr. Pepper like there was on eggo's after the problems they had at the eggo plant! that quilt does look like it would be fun to make. Hope you son feels better soon.

  3. Just hopping over from DIC's Friday linky. Love your blog, esp. the tute's for those little rosettes.

    Now a follower!


    Stuff and Nonsense

  4. I'm in the land of snotty noses too! :( Hope your little men start feeling better too!

    Fun tip about craft swapping sites! I've never heard of those before. :)

  5. i'll have to check out that site, but I'm already addicted to Swap-bot so maybe it's not a good idea!
