Monday, September 13, 2010

Tutorials, Tutorials and more Tutorials

Well it's been awhile since I posted some tutorials for you all so I figured it was about time.  I've been searching for awhile to find some easy sew tutorials that a novice sewer or even the most experienced sewer would enjoy.  I myself am a novice sewer.  I learned to sew years ago when I was little, but didn't pick it back up until a little while ago.  I started off by sewing pillows and things like that, I have since moved onto things that are a little more complicated and I've actually started sewing without paterns (a little brave I know).  I've learned through the whole sewing process that I have a photographic memory so I can see something I like and tear it apart in my mind and piece it back together so this is definetly a plus!!  I hope that y'all enjoy these tutorials that I've found.

Before I share this first tutorial I must tell you how much I LOVE vintage sheets, pillow cases, curtains and even clothes that I can rip apart and use again.  This tutorial is a wonderful apron made from a vintage pillow case......  SO awesome!!!  Give it a try and see how easy it is to construct.  This would be a great gift to almost any woman in your life!!  Oh and if you didn't want to use the snap style buttons you could use regular buttons, zippers or even velcro the possibilities are endles just use a little imagination and see what you can do to make it your own.
Now onto the next easy tutorial.  Since we are getting closer to halloween I thought this tutorial would be appropriate.  This is a simple bag to sew and you can also use the experience that you get from making this bag to make bags for different occasions as well.  I've been working on Christmas gifts already so this year all I'm making for halloween are costumes as I'm already overwhelmed with other projects, but I hope that y'all enjoy this tutorial and the final outcome. 

Ok now this tutorial isn't a sewing tutorial, but it is very cute.  When I see things like this I wish I had a little girl :(.  And this is super super easy and quick.

Well ladies that's all for today until I can get some batteries for my camera and take some photos of Bellas new wardrobe.

Happy Crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. that bag is really cute and if I hadn't got an apron already I would try that one! love the stripes!
