Monday, September 13, 2010

Just wanted to share

I figured since everyone is all tucked in and deep in zombie land I would share a few vintage illustrations with everyone since they make me so happy everytime I see them........ Enjoy!!!

Oh and by the way these are just a few of the many!!

And I saved this one for last because it is the cutest thing ever and I think that we all played with paper dolls at one time or another.  I remember cutting women out of magazines and using them for paper dolls.
Aren't these great?  I hope they bring a smile to your face as well!!
Happy Crafting!!


  1. I love vintage illustrations!! Specially the one from Alice in Wonderland. I love your blog, full of great ideas, pictures and cool tutorials!! I'll be coming back often to check it out!
    I'm solsuny from Swap-bot

  2. ooh I love the Alice in Wonderland one!
    ~Riechan from Swap-bot~

  3. I remember paper dolls! :) This is homekeepingheather from swap-bot, now following your blog. :)

  4. I totally used to do the same thing too. and then cut out the clothing and tape it on LOL. I would have lil fashion shows with them.

    ElizabethMD from swapbot

  5. Fun! This totally brought a smile to my face. And yes, I played with paper dolls. I had at least 4 different sets, plus a set my mom made me in which the dolls were myself and my best friend, with clothes from our real lives as well as the princess dresses we liked to imagine ourselves in. :)

    ~TallysTreasury from swap-bot

  6. These vintage illustrations are so delightful! And I miss playing with paper dolls. It was really fun to make your own outfits to go with the dolls (:

    Mag x (swapbot)
    Blogger Followers Swap
