Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

It has been so long since I have done one of these post!!

Check out all the awesome fabric I scored today.

I’m not exactly sure what you would call this type of fabric, but it feels just like the minky fabric you can buy from the fabric store.  It is so soft!!  The burnt orange is about 2 yards long and the turquoise one is about 1 yard.  I think that these will end up as backs for some throws or baby blankets.

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This one is about 4 yards long and I had been eye balling it for a while and I finally decided that today was the day it was coming home with me.

I had been eye balling this one too and it was finally on sale today.  It is a little over 3 yards long and this one is 60” wide!!

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This one is the same measurements as the one above!  I loved the red pin stripes all over it!!

This one is about 4 yards long.  I know that it looks like it is wool, but it’s not it is cotton.  When I saw it sin the bin with the rest of the fabric I had to feel it to make sure it wasn’t wool.  I love it!  And all of this fabric together was only $10!!  Can you believe it?  That is almost 17 yards of fabric!  I couldn’t be happier with my finds today.  Have you found anything good lately?


  1. I always love to find fabric at the thrift store! Most of the time, it's only $2, regardless of how much fabric is there. Just yesterday, my husband found 4 yards of a horse print quilt fabric for me. I've been collecting horse print fabrics (at the thrift stores - where else?) for a special quilt for my son, and I might have enough soon.

    What a score on the minky fabric! I just bought some in a regular store to back a baby quilt, and I'm in LOVE! It's a lot harder to sew with, but it feels divine.

    I can't wait to see what you make with these.

  2. More for the cabinet...and for your amazing creations...heehee!
