Thursday, September 1, 2011

It’s been so long

Good afternoon everyone!  I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but we have been so busy here with school starting and Christmas sewing that I haven’t had much of a chance to type anything up.

When we went on our vacation, I came home with some Dresden plates that my Grandmother made out of flour sacks about 40 years ago!  They are absolutely beautiful!!!  My Mom and I laid them out to see if I had enough to make a queen size quilt for my bed, and I DO!  Isn’t that exciting?  You know what is even more exciting?  There are enough of them to make matching pillow shams and I will still have a few left over, so 1 of these beauties is going to be made into something special for a special person I owe a very big Thank you to!!  I can’t tell you who, because I know she will probably read this and I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I can show you how beautiful these are.  I hope you have a drool bucket because you are going to be in awe!  Oh and these are all hand stitched together by my grandmother!!

013  014  015  016  017  018

See I told you they were beautiful.  Ok wipe your mouth now.  Aren’t those prints lovely?  Well until next time…………………..

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Those are beautiful! And to think that our flour only comes in ugly paper bags now ... :)
