Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to my wonderful, selfless, caring, thoughtful, beautiful mom!!!  I wouldn't be who I am without you!!  You sacrificed so much for me that I could never begin to express how grateful I truly am to you!!  I know that I've only heard stories because I was too young to even realize what was going on in the world around me, but thank you for all the times you sacrificed your meal and lived off of a candy bar and a coke just so I could eat!!  You are an amazingly strong women and I am so proud to call you my Mother!!!

P.S. I know that you are not going to be happy that I posted this photo for the world to see, but they deserve to see how beautiful and special my Mommy Truly is!!  I love you!!!
I Love You Mom!


1 comment:

  1. No shame in shouting love from the or no pictures :)
