Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Earth Day and Good Friday!!!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!

Good Morning Everyone!!  (it's actually only midnight here, but I have a reason for posting this so late and addressing it as a morning post)

I want to start this post out by saying Happy Birthday to a very special woman, My Mother!!!  She is a very special lady and even though we don't get to see her as often as we'd like we can feel her love everyday!!!  So Happy, Happy Birthday Mom!!!  We love you!!  She is also so special because she gets to share her birthday with this very special planet that we live on!!

Now I'm not the greenest person in the world, but I do try to do my part in keeping our beautiful planet in wonderful shape for the future generations.  I try to re purpose everything I can get my hands on, so that does count for something right??? Well anyway,  I have a few things planned to do with my boys today to celebrate earth day so I will not be on here again until tomorrow.  See this is actually one of my contributions, I have a horrible HORRIBLE habit of leaving my computer on all day, so today I am turning the computer off as soon as I post this and I will not be turning it back on.  We are going to spend a lot of time outside today!!  One of our activities consists of planting some flowers and picking up trash at our local parks.  We are also going to use some of the (excessive amount) papers that my son brings home from school to do an art project.  If your child goes to school then you know exactly what I'm talking about!!  It's ridiculous how much paper they use in one day, let alone an entire school year, and the backs of the papers are completely reusable!!!  So what are you doing for earth day???  I will be back tomorrow to share some photos and find out how your earth day was.
So I hope you can all get outside and do something today for earth day, but if you can't here are some photos for you to look at and enjoy (after all what's a post without a photo right.)

 So until next time.............

Happy Birthday Mom, Happy Earth Day and Good Friday!!!

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