Thursday, February 3, 2011

Swap for Swap bot

Good morning all of my dear friends in blog land.  As I have mentioned in the past and as I show in my sidebar I swap on swap-bot and the most recent swap I'm in is called Support your partners blog.  We have 2 partners and the requirements for this swap is to come up with 2 ways to support our partners blogs.  So I figured 1 great way to support their blogs or etsy shop in this case would be to blog about it.  So I wanted to share with yall these 2 ladies blogs/etsy shop.  Please check them out and help them get some traffic on their sites!!!

This is the link to my first partner Barbi's blog on xanga please follow the link below and check out her blog

This is the link to my second partner EarthArtisanMama's etsy shop please follow the link below to check it out

Thanks everyone and I hope you have a great morning!!!

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