Friday, February 4, 2011

Mint Chocolate Ice cream anyone

Well we reached 36 degree weather today finally!!!  I was glad to see the little bit of snow we had on the ground melt away. 

My oldest son didn't have pre-school today so the boys and I sat around and watched movies for a big chunk of the day after the chores were done.  While we sat and watched movies I crafted (I can't seem to sit still through any TV show or movie), I pulled out my scrap stash of fabric and started making rosettes.  Seriously I probably made close to 50 or more because once I got started I couldn't seem to help myself.  I did burn myself with the glue gun which put a damper in the process for a few minutes, but after a few "I'll kiss it for you mommy" comments and kisses it was feeling much much better.  After the rosette making process I figured I'd better find a use of a few of them right away before the honey came home and saw my lovely little stash (not that he would've minded, but he would have made a comment about the case of ADD he thinks I have) so I made a clip for my hair.

Of course it was almost impossible for me to get a good picture considering I put it in the back of my head, so my honey snapped some photos for me to share.  He did a wonderful job, So thank you honey!!!

Don't the 3 of the rosette's together remind you of mint chocolate ice cream?  I don't know why I'm thinking about ice cream, it may be warmer here today but it is definetly not warm enough for ice cream.  At any rate I hope you enjoyed this quick craft for the day and I hope yall have a great weekend!!  So until next time........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Hi Allison! This is super cute! I love making those rosettes too! They are super addicting. This clip does remind me of some mint chocolate chip ice cream. :)

    Nice work! Have a great weekend!

  2. Those are so cute! I want em!

    I just found your blog through the Boost My Blog Friday Hop! Have a great weekend.

    Amanda @

  3. Hello! Im commenting from the follow my blog swap over on swapbot. Username: Amikins. Your one of my assigned swap partners. I love the crafts on your blog, the rosettes are pretty and ive just started quilting myself as well. Im going to add myself as a private follower. Happy Blog swapping!

  4. I enjoyed browsing your blog! We seem to share the same interests in projects and tutorials, but thrifting as well.

    I am Kim by the way, Kimminita on swap-bot for the follow my blog swap.

  5. Hi this is Becca from swap-bot. I love the minty green mixed with the brown. Great color combination. I am now one of your followers!

  6. Hi Allison! I'm Shawna, ShawnaJ on Swap Bot. I'm a follower in addition to one of your partners on the "Follow my Blog" swap. I love those rosettes. I had to send my sewing machine to a new home because of finances a few months ago, but am fixing to buy a serger sewing machine. I hope that once I get the hang of a new machine I can learn to quilt. I envy anyone who can quilt. :) I'll see ya in the blogs and on the bot!

  7. Hi Allison! I am Brittani (MsBunni) from Swap-bot. Your blog is adorable, I love the rosettes...too cute! I am TX girl to, even though I now live in GA. Thanks for sharing your blog!

    P.S. I am expecting a baby boy in April...his name is going to be Landon! Great minds think alike, isn't that what they say. ;)

  8. This clip is really pretty, I love it !
    What a great idea !
    Tell me about weather !... Two consecutive ice-storms this week + 0°F during night + 9" of snow today... Schools closed four days, and my fridge almost empty ! ;-)
    Speaking about kids... Your "little dinosaur" is very cute !!!
    (Happy Flo, one of your swap-bot partner)

  9. Thats so cute!!!!! I'm not a big fan of green but the way you made them eek! So cute!!~x Ichigoshortcake from sb xxx

  10. I love mint chocolate ice cream, it's my favorite. And yes, the rosettes do remind me of it. Great job!
    My name is Karen (leahrosesmom) and I'm from Swap-Bot.

  11. Gorgeous rosettes... Do you have a tutorial for how you put those together???? I would looove to learn how! :) And yes, they do kinda remind me of mint chocolate chip ice cream!

  12. I'm glad you all enjoyed this little hair clip!!!

    @ AGohl, I don'thave a tutorial yet, but I will surely get busy on that this afternoon after all the chores are finished!!

  13. Hi! I'm part of the "follow my blog" group on swap-bot so I'm stopping by to say hi! Those rosettes are lovely - definitely mint choc chip!

    I totally understand crafting while watching TV. My hubby teases me that I don't pay attention and have to ask questions when we're watching our fave shows, but I just can't sit still and do nothing :)

  14. wow those came out great and hubby didn't do a bad job with the photos either!
