Monday, January 17, 2011

Simple flower bib necklace

This bib necklace is made out of these flowers that I showed you last night. 

I don't know if it's just me, or do these flowers look like poppies to you too?  I'm not wearing the best shirt to model this necklace in so please excuse that they don't compliment each other very well.

I found this photo via Google search

 I made so many of these flowers that I'm sure there will be several of these necklaces made in the next couple of days along with a few other projects.  I'm not much of a jewelry person other than my rings (I have a ring on almost every finger) so I'm not sure what I will do with all of these necklaces.  Do you ever see an accessory that you just love but isn't really your style?  Well it's nice to know that I'm not the only one.  I seem to have this problem quite a bit and because of this I have so many things that I've made that I love but I just don't wear.  My honey would probably love it if I would quit adding to my pile of loved and unworn jewelry. 

Well now that I've confessed and gotten you to confess too while I was at it ( ahhh I feel so much better now) I guess I will call it quits for the day.  So until next time.........

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Yes, I can relate! I love make, to ogle, to admire....and yet, never wear any!

    That's where having an online store is great...if they are gonna sit around anyway...they might as well sit around out there, too!

    I think maybe using some ribbon to tie them on would look nice also....a headband maybe, too?
