Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bloggers United November challenge... Week 1

Well, Hello Ya'll!!! 
If you've been here before and paid attention to my side bar then you've seen the button for bloggers united!!  I just recieved my first e-mail from them for our first challenge for November.  The challenge is I have 15 million dollars to spend, (pretend ofcourse) what would I spend it on?

 Well the first thing I would do would be to buy a nice little house (with atleast 4 or 5 bedrooms) instead of this stinken apartment!!  I think I would want it to look something like this in the living room/family room.......
Credit for photo is here

This photo came from the same place as the one above

I would have to have a room like this just because I love the ceiling and it looks so cozy!!!  I'm not sure what I would put in it, but it would be a must have!!!

Photo came from here
My boys would of course would have their own rooms and a room set aside just for toys!!!

Storage like this would be a MUST!!!
Perfect for my oldest!!!  Same place as above
Perfect for my youngest!! Same place as above
This would have to be part of the playroom
So cute!!! See here
Ok now onto master bedroom!!!......  I only have one photo for this because this is my all time favorite and I so want to fall asleep or read a book in this room!!  It is just beautiful!!! You have to go check out her blog she is amazing!!!

You should see the whole room, it's beautiful!!
I would then of course have to have the ultimate craft room!!! ......

Something along these lines would suit me just fine!!
All credits for this room and photo go here
And to go in the new beautiful craft room would be these beauties!!!

Ok, that about concludes what my house would look like!!  Now onto the misc. things I thing I would buy!!

Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 28-135mm IS lens

The last thing I can think of would be my all time dream trip to New York City!!!  I have dreamt of going to NYC for years and we haven't had the funds (day to day life comes first) so I think I would have to plan the ultimate trip to NYC!!!  We would have to go on the ultimate tour and stay for atleast a month just to see it all!!



See isn't it beautiful!!!  I will get there someday!!!

Well I'm sure that isn't even close to enough things to equal 15 million, but that's all I can think of and it would definetly make me happy!!!  Well for now that all, so untill next time........

Happy Crafting!!!

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