Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Morning

I've been working on several projects this week and I should probably use today to get some of them done.  Maybe soon I'll show you some of my very own tutorials, but until I can gather my nerves I'll post a few of my favorites off of the web.  When I finish my many projects I'll be sure to share them whith you all.

I'm gonna start off today with this tutorial.  I have a bunch of old spools of thread that belonged to my grandmother and I can't bring myself to throw them away because they were hers.  So I think I'm gonna have to do this when I actually find room for them.

We've all come across an ugly fram or mirror at one point that we thought there had to be something we could do with it.  Well this is a pretty good solution I think, and I have the perfect mirror that I think I'll use.  I need to add some inspiration to my craft area anyways. 

This is the perfect project to make before a road trip. You could use different scraps to make it more fun or even use it as inspiration for another project.

1 comment:

  1. I love the tic tac toe, and so will my son! I am gonna get right on that, as we have a long roadtrip for Labor Day. Cool idea!!! Thanks!

    HayleyK from Swap-Bot.
