Thursday, August 26, 2010

Recycled wreath

Well we made it through the first week of school, YAY!!!  No school tomorrow because he's in the afternoon Pre-K class and they have early dismisall due to football season, so we get to relax early this week.  It's been a busy week because of school so you'll have to excuse the lack of posts this week.

Today I was going through my little stash of cardshock and I noticed that I really didn't like any of the colors for what I had in mind and I remebered something I read awhile back about dying with coffee.  Soooo...... that's what I did.  I love anything vintage and when I say anything I really do mean anything.  Since I haven't had much time in the last week to do much of anything creative I decided today would be a good time.  Landon finished off a box of crackers today and when I was getting ready to throw the empty box in the trash it dawned on me that this was the perfect opportunity to recycle (yes, yes go me ha ha).  So I started with a pile of dyed card stock, saltine cracker box and some ivory colored felt and ended up with a pretty wreath.  I haven't decided if it needs something else or if I like it the way it is, I don't want it to be too busy.  What do you think?  If anyone is interested in giving this wreath a new home let me know.  The pictures aren't the best so I'll take some more tomorrow and get them posted soon.

Happy Crafting!!

                                 Edited to add better photos and an up close of the roses

Aren't they so pretty? 
I love the colors!!


  1. I love that wreath. It is so delicate and fresh looking. Simply lovely.

  2. Darn, it took me so long to finally visit your Blog. I love it - you are a Crafty Mom! I am so happy to follow you from now on, thank to Swap-bot:)
    A&J (Alexandra and Julia)

  3. Thank you ladies. I need to find it a new home as I am running out of places to put the things I make.

  4. That is beautiful! And I love the colours, so pretty (:
