Monday, August 9, 2010

A Rose for you (RAK)

This is the front view of the rose.
there is a note on the back
to remind the reciever
to make someone else smile
   Well today I had to make a trip to the post office to send something out to a swap partner and I figured what better time than now to start our RAK!!!  This morning we made a felt rose and attatched it to a piece of card stock that said "A rose for you because You are Important!!!".  I'm using this as a way to teach Landon to be kind to others and put a smile on someone elses face. 
On our way to the
Post Office
He was very excited to be going with me to the Post office to begin with, but when he realized that he was going to be giving something to someone he didn't even know the questions began.  He didn't quite understand at first until he saw the smile on the very nice woman's face that he gave the rose to.  She was very pleased to recieve the rose.  I think Landon made an impression and I think it made an impression on him as well!!!  I think as parents we depend too much on teachers and other people to teach our children these valuable lessons and this is one lesson I want my children to learn at a very early age and to follow them throughout their lives.  I remember donating toys when I was little and taking them to the fire station for other children that didn't have the things I did.  I hope that this can be a memorable experience for Landon as he grows into a young man.  We will post photos from each RAK that Landon does.  We will also be talking with Landon to see what he is learning as we go along. If you have done, or plan on doing something like this please share.  It would be great to see what other people have done!!  If this is not something that you are really that interested in remember that you can donate things to your local Goodwill, Salvation Army or Thrift stores.  These are also ways to help others and clean out your closets at the same time.  I hope everyone has a great Monday and a wonderful week ahead!! 


  1. That is a very good thing to get the boys into. Some older folks should take a lesson.
    Good Allison.

    Love you


  2. Very great idea. My daughter is 7 and for a 7 year old she's already quite the humanitarian. She gave her entire life savings (her piggybank money) to haiti after the earthquake because they needed it more than she did.

    minders via swapbot

  3. What a superb idea! How inspiring! I think I will have to start some RAK with my daughter. She would just LOVE it, and it's such an important and amazing "lesson!"

    (beth619 stopping in from Swap-Bot to say "hello!")
